Tuesday, June 1, 2004


Link: Tuesday Twosome
Title:The first two things you do...

1. When you wake up: Depends on the day. Workdays: hit snooze, try to encourage myself to get up. Non-workdays: start thinking about what needs to be done today, and enjoy the feeling of being able to sleep in.

2. When you get out of the shower: Towel off and wrap my hair in a towel.

3. When you get to work/school: Turn on the computer and sort through the pile of crap people have usually left me.

4. When you get into the car: Key the ignition and put on the seatbelt (although sometimes I put it it gear before doing the seatbelt).

5. When you get home: Take off my shoes (and coat if necessary) and start thinking about what needs to be done first there.

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