Sunday, October 20, 2013

This is actually your fault

(Found here)

Do you have a library card? If you do, do you use it often?
Yes, and yes. And best starter question in a VERY long time....
Do you like rom-coms? If you do, which one is your favourite?
Meh. I don't mind them exactly, but the trope, it is old.
Think of your ex, and the person you love/like/are with now. Are they similar in any way at all?
Memories of my ex is lost in the mists of history, except that they are both men.
If you could design your perfect partner, what would they look like? What kind of personality would they have?
I'm pretty happy with Beast's personality. Frankly, at this point, I'm pretty happy with his looks too.
Is there something you currently want/need, that you can't have?
Loads of things, and that's fine, really. I can't be trusted.
Think back to 6 weeks ago. Were you happier then, or are you happier now? Why?
I will, cautiously, say that I'm happier now because things are, perhaps, all out on the table finally.
Who is the first male you can think of, whose name begins with T? Tell me about him.
This question made me hork a little. I know a LOT of guys whose names start with T. A lot of guys. And that's where I will leave this.
Can you say "happy birthday" in another language?
Yo, sí puedo. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!
What is something a lot of people think about you, that isn’t actually true?
That I'm really organized. I am SO NOT.
Think of the person that [last] said they wanted to have sex with you. Did that person love you?
He'd fucking well better! lol
Someone suggests that the person you like is a player. What do you say?
"Yeah, right."
What subjects do you/did you get the worst grades in?
I never really wanted to work hard enough to get an A in math.
Should you be concentrating on something else, instead of this survey?
No, I don't think so.
Have you ever told anyone that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with them? If you have, did you mean it?
Yup, and yup.
Have you ever told someone that you liked them, and they rejected you? Do you know anyone else that this has happened to?
Well, jeez, this is a bloody stupid question. Really now.
Is there anything you want to say to someone, but you can't/won't? What are your reasons for not saying it?
I've come to the age of just blurting. Life's too fucking short.
Who is someone in the music industry that you think is overrated?
Having spent a lot of time Friday on books about the members of One Direction, I'm going that route. (ba-DUM-bum)
Who is the 11th contact in your phone? When did you last see/speak to that person?
Alphabetically, it's Alicia, whom I haven't seen her F2F in about 5 years. By date of contact, it's my pastor, whom I saw this morning and spoke to on Wednesday.
What's your mum's middle name?
It was the same as the long version of the narrator in a popular 19th century novel about sisters during the Civil War.
They say plain chocolate is best for you, but do you actually like it?
"Plain" as in unsweetened?? No way! I like chocolate, but I'm not insane about it.
When was the last time you ate cake? What type of cake was it?
I think it was white with (shudder) strawberry jam between layers.
Have you ever been told that you were too good/not good enough for someone you loved/liked? Why do you think someone would say that to you?
... I think I need to stop selecting memes written by 12-year-olds.
If the last person you kissed said that you were the only one they wanted, would you believe them?
Have you filled in any other surveys today, besides this one? If you have, did this survey have any questions that were the same as, or similar to, the questions you were asked in the other surveys?
Yes. Thank God no repeats, although if I get the "favorite color" question later, I'll have to revise this....
Who was your first crush? How do you feel about that person now? Do you still talk to them?
Jim P, in 6th grade.
Who was the last person that apologised to you? What was it for?
I think it was Sparky for not doing ...something. OH! For not cleaning up for dinner right away (no big deal).
So, how are things going with the person you love/like?
See "cautiously happier" above.
Is there a song you can listen to all the time and never get tired of it?
"Amazing Grace" works.
Are you 'in love' with the last person you kissed?
I love him. Not so sure about "in love" though. I mean, really, 28 years since we got engaged?
Do you have photos to go with all of the contacts in your phone?
Who was the last person you talked to before going to sleep last night? What did you talk about?
Well, Beast, I guess, since we actually went to bed at about the same time last night.
Who was the last person to comment on one of your photos on Facebook? How did you meet that person?
She was my roommate for two years in college.
How many of your friends are sexually active?
I would guess the VAST majority of those over 18 are. Those under 18, I'm just going to wear rose-colored glasses about.
Have you ever felt deeply affected by the death of a celebrity?
I had a hard time believing it when Michael Jackson died. It was really shocking. Kinda bummed when Robert Parker died, too.
To finish, is there anything you would like to say to someone?
Seeing as how you already asked this, are you ok? You seem a bit young for amnesia.

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