Thursday, July 25, 2013

One word and ten friends

Found here


1. Where is your cell phone? Here

3. Your hair? Gray

4. Your mother? Dead

5. Your father? Dead

6. Your favourite thing? Giggles

7. Your dream last night? Forgotten

8. Your favourite drink? Pop

9. Your dream/goal? Survival

10. What room you are in? Living

11. Your hobby? This

12. Your fear? Failure

13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Alive

14. Where were you last night? Bed

15. Something that you aren't? Male

16. Muffins? Yum

17. Wish list item? Cruise

18. Where you grew up? Colorado

19. Last thing you did? Blogthings

20. What are you wearing? Clothes

21. Your TV? On

22. Your pets? Cavies

23. Friends? Awesome!

24. Your life? Fine

25. Your mood? Thursday-ish

26. Missing someone? Not

27. Car? Edge

28. Something you’re not wearing? Earrings

29. Your favourite store? Meijer

30. Your favourite colour? Blue

33. When is the last time you laughed? Recently

34. Last time you cried? Today

36. A place you go over & over? Work

37. How do you feel about the future? Sanguine


First of all - who are they?
01. Beast
02. Amy
03. MH
04. Christie
05. Sparky
06. Mary
07. Nick
08. Katherine
09. Laura
10. Stacy

Then - bold whatever is true about each person.

Person 1. Beast
1. I’m dating this person.
2. This person is at least one of my best friends.
3. This person's hair is black, or very dark.
4. This person has brown eyes.
5. This person wears/owns Van shoes.
6. This person wears glasses.
7. I’ve kissed this person before.
8. I know where this person is right now.
9. I often text this person.
10. I have a picture of myself with this person.

Person 2. Amy
1. This person is at least one of my best friends.
2. This person is female.
3. This person lives in Florida.
4. This person is a teenager.
5. This person is attractive.
6. This person likes rock music.
7. This person can drive.
8. This person is a lot like myself. [in some ways, yes; in other ways, not at all]
9. I love this person. (as a friend)
10. I've known this person for a very long time. [10 years? Is that long?]

Person 3. MH
1. This person is shy.
2. This person has MySpace.
3. This person has red/orange hair.
4. This person has long hair.
5. This person bites his/her nails.
6. This person lives in my town. [where I work]
7. This person has had a class with me before.
8. I’ve done something illegal with this person before.
9. This person has been to a concert before. [no clue, but what the odds that she has not?]
10. I hope to never lose contact with this person.

Person 4. Christie
1. This person is unique.
2. This person works at a fast food place.
3. This person is blonde.
4. This person will graduate this year.
5. This person is a lot different than I am.
6. This person is insecure.
7. This person likes dinosaurs.
8. This person has never been to my school.
9. I’ve spent the night with this person.
10. I know some of this person's relatives.

Person 5. Sparky
1. This person is older than me.
2. This person lives in my area. [on occasion]
3. I’m related to this person.
4. This person likes flowers.
5. This person listens to some country music. [I'm ashamed to admit that he likes Taylor Swift...]
6. I will see this person soon.
7. I love this person.
8. This person has given me something before.
9. This person is much taller than me.
10. I’ve lived with this person before.

Person 6.  Mary
1. This person used to talk to me more than they do now.
2. I worry about this person.
3. This person is not single.
4. This person went to my school.
5. This person has met my mum.
6. This person listens to mainstream music. [I have no idea what kind of music she likes]
7. This person’s birthday is during the winter. [Again, I don't know]
8. I've known this person since we were little.
9. This person says what is on their mind.
10. This person is an aunt or uncle.

Person 7. Nick
1. This person is much bigger than me.
2. This person is a male.
3. This person has a job.
4. This person drives a silver/grey vehicle.
5. This person has big eyes.
6. This person has lived in another state before. [still does]
7. This person is older than me.
8. This person is funny.
9. This person has some dark things in their past. [no clue, but we all do...]
10. This person is in my family.

Person 8.  Katherine
1. This person is tall & skinny. [right now she's average and pregnant]
2. This person wears converse shoes.
3. I saw this person today.
4. This person has always been there for me.
5. This person has red/orange hair.
6. This person is a male.
7. This person likes to play soccer.
8. This person listens to rock music.
9. This person eats lunch with me.
10. This person is 18.

Person 9.  Laura
1. I've talked to this person for over an hour straight.
2. The last time I hung out with this person, we ate pizza.
3. I’m going to be in this person’s wedding. [since she's married...and I wasn't there]
4. This person has blonde hair.
5. This person has a pet. [probably?]
6. This person has a unique laugh.
7. This person makes me laugh.
8. This person likes to play video games.
9. This person lives in an apartment.
10. This person doesn't live in my city.

Person 10.  Stacy
1. I talk to this person everyday, or almost everyday.
2. This person has black or very dark hair.
3. This person is very small/skinny.
4. This person's birthday is on a holiday.
5. This person has an inside joke with me.
6. This person is creative.
7. This person has self esteem issues.
8. This person has known me for a long time.
9. I enjoy talking to this person.
10. This person shares my middle name. [I don't know her middle name...]

2 sweet-talkers :

amy said...

#2 of #8 made me choke on a pretzel. Boy shoes!

Cat. said...

I missed that!! Wow, I'm slipping!

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