(Found here)
Were your last three kisses from the same person? No. I suppose that makes me sound like a whore. Well, yeah, not: two people, family members. Deal. [guess what: I'm cranky again]
Are you a jealous person? Not at all. Or not very. I have other places to expend my energy.
Done anything illegal in the past month? Sure. It's a regular event. Have only been caught once.
Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you? Only long enough to slice-and-dice.
Would you consider adoption? I would have if I were interested in having more kids. I did, in fact. I have no problem whatsoever with adoption.
Do you like Redbull? I've never tried it. Sparky has, and the smell of it was simply nauseating.
Would you rather date a person with a British accent or an Irish accent? I'd rather date someone I like. Accent is pretty immaterial.
Think back five months ago, were you single? I haven't been single for 25 years. More, technically.
Is it easy to make you smile? Not right now. Usually, yes.
Do you have a bad habit? Yes. I do. Who the hell doesn't?
Where do you wish you were right now? I would love to be 7, jumping rope in my front yard.
Is there something that reminds you of someone every time you see/hear it? Yup. No details are forthcoming. OK, a hint: political arguments = my dad shouting down ALL of his offspring because what he said and what he lived were completely different. Being reminded of my dad's shortcomings 15+ years after his death while dealing with my sister's recent death, a year after my mom's recent death...yeah, makes me cranky. Deal. Or fuck off. Whichever works for you.
Who is the last person you spent money on? Me. Of course. I'm that selfish. [It was $3.73 at McDonalds this morning.]
Would you date someone taller than you? I did. I would. I kinda have a problem dating someone shorter than me though.
If you could choose between a million dollars or being able to fly, you would choose? Fly.
What are you looking forward to in the next 4 days? Weekend. Aimster.
Have you ever gone a whole day without eating? I do this every year on Holy Saturday. It gets harder every year.
Have you ever slept with a member of the opposite sex without having sex? Borrowing the previous answer, "of course." And, I will add: "I'm married." {insert cheap laugh track}
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing right now? It's a hand-me-down from someone I rarely see anymore. Because she's toxic. Getting better about that.
Do you like meeting new people? Some. Most, in fact. New people are usually very interesting, when they aren't busy pissing me off.
Ever kissed someone who smokes? Since there are smokers in my family...yes.
What's something you really want right now? Peace.
Do you sometimes use your music player to help you fall asleep? Nope.
Was New Year's enjoyable? I don't remember doing anything especially exciting. I'm sure it was fine.
What time did you go to sleep last night? I think it was about 10:30.
Do you believe exes can be just friends? Sure.
Do you hate anyone? Y'know, no. But a lotta people make me very tired. [thanks, Mom, for that phraseology]
Has anyone upset you in the last week? Ha ha ha ha hahahaha...yeah. Quite a few things: my niece, my boss, my kid...to name the most important things.
Do you think best friends can be replaced? Nope. New friends can be added to the roster.
Are you starting to realize anything? It has definitely blossomed into complete understanding.
When was the last time you cleaned your room? Fuck. I'm not 12. I haven't properly cleaned my house in awhile.
What do you always take with you? My skin.
What is the last thing you used your own money for? As noted above, breakfast this morning.
Do you have a reason to smile right now? Sure. I just can't be arsed.
What time did you wake up this morning? About 9:30, three hours after exiting the shower, 90 minutes after breakfast.
Where were you at 12:20 pm? Eating lunch with my husband.
Do people think you're older/younger than you actually are? Younger. I think. I hope. lol
If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you? P L O C K
Have you ever liked someone a lot older than you? P L O C K
What are you listening to? The "international version" of the pilot to "Psych." My son loves this show. ....uck
How many people are you txting? No one right now.
Do you miss anyone right now? Yes. And yes. And yes. And yes. And yes....
Have any interesting conversations lately? Heh. "May you live in interesting times..."
Have you held hands with anybody in the past two weeks? Yup. Coupla people. See that first question up there.
Are you trying to avoid liking/loving somebody at the moment? Quite the opposite in fact.
If your friends warn you about someone, do you listen? Sure. More than I used to, that's for sure.
Has someone recently told you something you didn't want to hear? Welcome to my life on a day-to-day basis.
Who did you last pinky promise with? I don't believe I ever did this. It wasn't something that we did when I was a kid; I never heard of it till I was in college, which is a little older than the demographic this would appeal to. I hope. When I was a kid, we did serious blood pledges: cut the fingers, etc.
Why are you at home right now? Cuz it's the safest place for me to be, and I intend to drink just enough to relax and not fall asleep in the bathtub in an hour. And then sleep. Because that's my sole, single, escape lately.
How are you feeling right now? Shitty, thanks for asking. Could always be worse, I suppose.
Do you believe in perfect? "Perfect"?? WTF? No. I think. But I could be wrong.
What is the first thing you thought this morning? "Wait, how is alarm #2 going off? I don't remember hearing alarm #1. What happened? Gahhhhh....."
Are you satisfied with what you currently have in life? Yes. There are some extraneous things I'm working on getting rid of, but what I got is good.
Who were the last people you saw in person? I'm sitting across the room from Beast. Sparky's doing the garbage right now.
If you were getting married tomorrow, do you know who'd be your maid of honor? I'm not likely to get married tomorrow.
Do you think that you’re a good person? I am.
Do you give up easily? On some things, yes. On other things, not so much.
Where do you go when you want to be alone? Inside my head.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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