Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wednesday Wickedness

(Link in meme-roll)
Each week we will pick a famous person and pick ten of their quotes. Each of our questions will be based on the quotes. Today we picked Taylor Swift.

1. "I never want to change so much that people can't recognize me." Do you believe people can truly change?
Of course. We are pretty much all new cells every 7 years or so. Internally, though...that's harder. This quote makes no sense though. Unless she means costuming and surgery, which she seems just shallow enough to do.
2. "People haven't always been there for me but music always has." Do you have people in your life you could always count on?
I do, up to a point. Mostly, I've had to learn to rely on myself and God to get through the days. By the way, this quote makes me want to cry and throw up at the same time.
3. "I’m intimidated by the fear of being average." Do you think there is anything wrong with being average?
I like average. Average is really fuckin' comfortable. And what is this "intimidated by the fear of..." bull anyway? Is she afraid of being average, or is she intimidated by fear? And what, precisely, is different about being afraid and being intimidated by fear? Holy shit, girl, STFU and get some functioning brain cells.
4. "Never believe anyone who says you don't deserve what you want." Do you believe you deserve everything you want?
Nope. And she really better figure that out PDQ cuz she's got a lot further to fall when she does discover this little bit of reality compared to my short drop into the obscurity in which I revel. Some things that we covet we don't deserve, and we're better of without them.
5. "I have to believe in fairy tales and I have to believe in love." Do you believe in fairy tale love?
Do I look like a fairy? No, didn't think so. Ergo, no to both. Who is holding a knife to this dipshit's throat "making" her believe in fairy tales and love anyway? And why? What sort of weird pink mafia is this?
6. "I wouldn't want to date a pushover who would let me make all the plans and have all the control." Do you believe in sharing the control in your relationships?
Well, of COURSE I do. But, Taylor, BITE ME. Better yet, shorten this up to "I Want to Be a Doormat" and get it tattooed on your forehead.
7. "Sometimes [finding new friends] is the best thing about dating. I've met so many friends through guys that I've dated. And now, the guys are gone but the girls are still around." Did you ever make a close friend from someone that you've dated?
Yes, as a matter of fact. It was another guy, though. I'm more than a little concerned about Taylor's girlfriend-making skills at this point.
8. "But there are a lot of rumors out there that you just have to ignore." Has anyone ever spread something malicious about you?
I have no idea. Probably. Do I care? Whatever it was didn't live long enough to bite me in the ass. I find that ignoring rumors is usually a pretty good policy, all the way around.
9. "I set goals that are just a little bit out of reach, but not totally out of reach." How do you go about setting your goals?
I don't really set goals. My goals are usually met by waking up each morning (so far). I'm having a fabu mental picture now of Taylor falling off a carousel horse as she tries to snag the brass ring that's "a little bit out of reach"...and falling on her skinny little ass.
10. "I remember seeing girls crying in the bathroom every Monday about what they did at a party that weekend. I never wanted to be that girl." Have you ever done something at a party that you've ever regretted?
Yup. But I don't remember crying in the bathroom Monday about it! Jeez. Drama, much?
So here's the thing: when I started this, I had no strong feelings about TS except that she's not that good of a singer and she's not that cute, but whatever, right? Now, I'm just glad that she's not my daughter--and she should be equally glad of that because I'd have to smack her little head sideways off her neck for saying most of this shit.

By the way, I love this meme!!

4 sweet-talkers :

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

She came off as one total trash bag. I did not know much about her. I mean, I've heard the songs and she does that pop/country thing OK. But holy moly. She does not deserve to live.

Cat. said...

I'm beginning to understand why Kanye felt compelled to get on stage and say what he said last year...

(Dunno about deserving to live, but she should only be quoted for the humor value)

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

Of course she deserves to live and she is an AMAZING talent...

Cat. said...

erk? Talented at...what? Making me snort? :-)

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