Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sweet Dreams

(swiped from Kwizgiver, the Giver of All Good Things, who snagged it here; you know I had to do this one, based on the title of the meme and the title of my blog, right?)

1 – Have you ever had a recurring dream? If so, what was it?
Yes. They are never good news. I used to dream about working on Sundays fairly regularly when I worked at the PsychoBoss Library. Since then, I haven't had too many repeating dreams, just a lot of similar things: bad stuff happening, usually to Sparky.

As a youngster, I used to dream about geometric figures. Perfect circles, endlessly floating, scare me to death to this day.
2 – What’s your most memorable dream?
I dreamed when I was a kid that a volcano erupted near our house and a bunch of us were standing under the overhang near the garage of my house to avoid molten lava. I have no idea why that has stuck with me so long.

There was also that horrible dream about spiders in my eyes.
3 – How many hours sleep do you get each night?
I probably average about 6.5 or 7.
4 – What time do you get up on a school day?
During the week, I'm up anywhere between 5:15 and 6:15.
5 – How many times have you stayed up all night?
Not for a very long time. Years. Probably only 5 or 6 times total, because I really can fall asleep pretty easily when I'm exhausted.
6 – Have you ever got so drunk that you don’t remember going to bed?
Well, kinda. The one time I blacked out I don't actually remember the "going to bed" part of the night, just the "being carried back to the dorm by Security" part.
7 – What do you normally do last thing before going to bed?
Brush my teeth, put in the mouthguard (lately, anyway).
8 – Does coffee wake you up?
Since I don't drink
9 – Does vodka put you to sleep?
I'm drinking it right now, and I'm still awake. So, no.
10 – Do you wriggle in bed so much that you wake up facing a different way to how you started?
I roll around, but I haven't flipped head-to-toe since I was 6 or 7.
11 – What was the last time you shared a bed?
About 13 hours.
12 – Do you tend to dream about reality or complete fantasy?
It's usually a strange combination of reality and desperately weird stuff.
13 – How long do you remember your dreams for when you wake up?
If I make a concerted effort when I first wake up, I can remember them for quite awhile. Usually, though, they're gone before I get to the bathroom.
14 – Which is worse – being too hot in bed or too cold?
Too hot. I hate having hot feet in the summer. Yuck.
15 – How many pillows do you sleep with?
I use one, but Beast usually has at least two.
16 – What was your biggest night time fear as a child?
I think I had the standard "monster in the closet" thing for awhile. But really, I don't remember being overly terrified at night. We had an intercom system, so I knew Mom would appear if I yelled. Or coughed, which was a regular occurrence till they figured out I was allergic to feather pillows.
17 – What’s under your bed?
Dust. The floor. I used to keep my sox boxes there, but I found a way to store them in the closet a few years ago.
18 – What do you wear in bed?
19 – Do you read in the evening, the morning, or not at all?
I read whenever I get the chance: bathtub, while I'm stirring food on the stove, while watching TV.... But I usually only read in bed when I'm trying to go to sleep, so at night and at naptime.
20 – Do you eat in bed?
Not while under the covers, only with the bed put completely together. And pretty rarely, too.

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