(found here)
Childhood weirdness
Did you spend your childhood time with mostly real or imaginary friends? Imaginary. The joys of being a pseudo-only.
Did people consider you an odd child? No. For all intents and purposes, from an adult perspective I was a perfect child.
Do you have memories that go back to when you were only a few months old? Uh, nope.
Do you remember any thoughts you had when you where very young? Not verbatim. I was rather fearful, though, of everything. Oh, and I was sure for a period of time that my "parents" had kidnapped me from my real (i.e., nice, kind, loving, non-disciplinarian) family and were speaking in code around me.
Were they intricate or simple thoughts? Well, clearly, some of them were intricate! :-)
If you answered "intricate", give an example of one of those thoughts: Didn't I just do that? OK, some of the code involved the foods I didn't like. "Tomato" meant something like "yell at her." "Liver" meant "raise the ransom price."
Were you dreams very vivid as a child? Very much.
What is the strangest memory you have from early childhood? All my childhood memories seem rather weird now. I remember cutting my bangs--too short--and then taping a hairband to the end in hopes that no one would notice.
Were you a child prodigy or did you display any gifts at a young age? I was #5 in my family. My parents just wanted me to be quiet and get perfect grades. I succeeded fairly well.
What was the most "grown-up" thing you ever said as a child? I have no idea. Since I spent more time with adults than with children, I probably was pretty grown-up in many of my conversations, when I wasn't cowering in a corner.
What were your favorite TV shows in early childhood? There was a great morning cartoon show on channel 2 in Denver which showed Mighty Mouse (and others). In the breaks between clips, the host drew cartoons and talked to us kids watching. Which, of course, leads to Romper Room. However, we didn't have a good TV until I was 7, so that's all I remember.
Were you afraid of monsters? They were among the "everything" I was afraid of, but not the "monster" sense, more of the "people" sense.
Did you believe that fictional characters were real? It was more that I wished they were. I did think for awhile that musicians were actually in the studio playing the songs on the radio.
Were you more quiet and artistic or loud and physical? I was quiet and not particularly artistic, but extremely physical.
Issues and US Stuff
Do you eat meat? Yup. Nom nom nom
If you do, what is your justification for it? The same justification for anything else I eat: tastes good, easy to prepare, and abundantly available.
If you could legalize 3 things in the US, what would they be? Marijuana, good health care availability for everyone (including aborion and right-to-die issues), and marriage between two consenting adults.
Do you belive in the death penalty? I believe it exists. I believe it is only helpful for those out for revenge.
Did Mumia do it? I haven't done enough detailed research to know the answer to this.
If you had a choice, which country would you have chosen to be born into? I'm good with being a USan.
What are your opinions of Michael Moore? He's a blowhard, but has good points. I just wish he'd make them and shut up and let them speak for themselves.
Describe your feelings about marijuana legalization: I find it really hypocritical that we have legalized alcohol, which is much more of a 'gateway drug', than pot, which isn't physically addictive.
What about gay marriage? Can we just get out of each others' bedrooms and love lives, please??
Red, White and Blue is a ghastly color combination, right? I'm ok with it. Better than brown, white and (olive) green, or some other combinations.
What television news coverage do you detest the most? I don't like any of the 'serious' news. It's reactive and fake. The best they do is when there is a legit emergency and they get to the point of reporting things as they happen.
What will you do if Bush is re-elected? Cry/scream/celebrate etc...: I was going to delete this and then I realized that he could, actually, run again. If he were re-elected then, I would be really, really, really annoyed.
Which state do you think will drop off into the ocean first? "Drop off" pretty much gives it to California. "Sink under" would go to Florida, perhaps.
Who do you consider "American Heroes"? People who do the right thing at great personal loss or potential (or actual) harm.
Completely Obtuse And Silly Questions
Have you ever taken something apart just to see how it worked? Explain: No. If I take things apart, it's so that I can figure out what's wrong and fix it.
Do you ever yell at the television while you are alone? Being alone has no bearing on my yelling at the TV.
Name a few things (if any) that you bought on Ebay recently: I haven't ever bought anything from eBay. What makes me laugh is that eBay has spent money publicizing their brand, but so many people manage to get the capitalization wrong even after 10+ years.
Are the Muppets sinister? Think about it: Miss Piggy is a little annoying, but that's the worst I can stretch.
Do you watch the Science Channel (Discovery) on a regular basis? Nope. It is on sometimes when Beast is watching, but I never pay any attention.
Ever gotten into an "in person" argument with a total stranger? I work with the public, so it does happen sometimes.
Sugar or Honey? ...yes? I like honey more than sugar if I'm eating it straight, though.
What's on your desk right now? At home: a great deal of paper. At work: I'm not going to think about work until Tuesday.
How many e-mails do you recieve a day? Over all of my accounts, I'd estimate between 10 and 50 that I have to deal with. I subscribe to a couple of listservs, but I don't look at those daily (or even weekly). And the ads I mostly just delete.
Do you think that time travel is a possibility? We already do travel through time. It's only one-way. Why shouldn't time be reversible? [I'm watching Star Trek as I do this, so that may be influencing my answer.]
Have you ever had a past life regression? Not to my knowledge. Except, perhaps, in dreams.
Are you slightly addicted to online tests and surveys? "Slightly"? huh
San Francisco or New York City? I love SF, and the weather would be a little nicer than NYC. But I've no interest, really, in either.
Are you really a famous person undercover on [your blog]? Would I tell you?
Are you really an alien spectator studying the human condition via [blogs]? Yeah, no.
What are your favorite color combinations? Medium blue/white. Black/silver (or gray). Blue/red.
Close your eyes and type the first random image that pops into your head: Polar bears. One of my blog authors--who also tweets--has been talking about them this week.
Do you enjoy night or day better? Day.
Favorite animal: Homo sapiens. Endlessly interesting.
Have you ever been to a protest? Not exactly.
Aggravated a cop on purpose? FUCK no.
Worst decision you ever made? It's a recurring decision involving the food I choose to eat.
Ever gone train hopping/ridden the rails? No thanks.
Best invention of this century? Worst? Twitter. For good and ill.
If you could choose a time period in which to live, which would it be? I wouldn't go backwards. Going forward into an era in which allergies have been cured might be an option.
Ever put your hand through a window? Yes. Yes, I have. I have a tiny scar to show for it.
List a few words you hate the sound of: "grunt" "spore" "smarmy"
And a few you like the sound of: "bellicose" "facial" "smooth"
Emotions And Such
Have you attempted suicide more than once? Not even more than never.
Cutting? Not, as such, ever.
Do you get violent when you are angry? Only with inanimate objects. I tend to bang things around a little, like doors and small containers.
Which emotion are you most consumed by? Sadness.
Are you highly emotive? I'm emotional, yes.
Do you discuss problems or keep them to yourself? I talk. Incessantly, sometimes.
Do you fall in love easily? No.
What age/year was the most difficult for you? 1994-1997 pretty much sucked.
How do you channel your anger/sadness? I cry and bang things around.
Ever been addicted to alcohol or drugs? No.
Ever been homeless? No.
List a few simple things that make you happy: baby giggles, making people happy, word games, books, my closest friends and family members (not that they are 'simple' of course!), music.
When were you most recently your happiest? Last Sunday during "Mary Poppins."
Do you consider yourself empathetic? I'm attentive to the emotions of others. Does that count?
Describe your best friend as if you were describing a character from a film: No.
Do you have friends that are drastically different from each other? Of course!
List a few key traits that all of your friends have in common: Sense of humor, tolerance (of me at least) and intelligence.
Do you keep in touch with friends from high school? Yes. Facebook makes it immeasurably easier.
Are they mostly local or long distance? They are all long-distance. I moved. Most of them did not.
When you go out with friends, what kinds of things do you do? Depends on when, and where.
Have you ever been betrayed by a close friend? Yes.
If yes, are you still friends with that person? Well, sorta. I haven't heard from her since the last time she blew me off.
Are your friends mostly your age, younger or older? Mostly younger.
Do you have a hard time making friends because most people bore you? It's not about boring me. It's about me being too weird for them.
Do you like to hang out with friends one-on-one or in groups? One on one.
Which of your online friends do you have the most in common with? Amy, and in some ways, Lisa.
Are you close to your family? Getting less close almost daily.
What traits are you glad you inherited from them? Low blood pressure, quick-wittedness, humor, height.
Which traits are you pissed off you inherited from them? My temper, and tendency to crave carbs.
What sitcom does your family most remind you of? The Cunninghams.
Does your family live locally or far away? We're all over the place. There are four extended family members within about 90 minutes of me here, but everyone else is much farther away.
Have you ever stopped speaking to someone in your family? Not exactly, but a couple of them really tire me out.
Have either of your parents died? Yes. Dad's gone and Mom isn't doing well.
Is your family very much like you or are you opposites? We're all pretty much the same. Unfortunately.
How many siblings do you have? Gah. 3, now.
Has your family ever thrown food at each other? Negatory. At least, not in an organized way. Only accidentally.
Are the holidays a nightmare or a time of joy? Both.
Do you look like your parents? I look like my dad, and his mom, big-time.
List one interesting fact about your family: My last name means Black Death. So much for hyphenation upon marriage.
Gay, Straight, Bi-sexual or no idea? Straight.
Married/partnered? 23 years married this summer.
Ever gone out with someone you were embarrassed to be seen with? Regularly. ;-)
Ever broken someone's heart? Possibly.
How many serious relationships have you had? {plock}
Do you believe in monogamy? Yup.
Have you ever lusted obsessively over someone you knew you couldn't have? Welcome to the teenage years.
Do you believe in the theory of soulmates? Not particularly.
Ever cheated? {plock} (not physically)
Been cheated on? I don't think so.
Thrown someone's stuff out on the lawn/stairs/etc.? No.
Had your stuff thrown out on the lawn/stairs/etc.? No.
Most important emotional qualities of a lover? Honesty, patience, understanding, fellow-feeling.
Most important physical qualities? Male. Humorous.
Food & Drink
Non-alcoholic beverage of choice: Diet Dr. Pepper.
Alcoholic beverage of choice: Stoli, or LIIT.
Foods you crave on a regular basis: Sweets.
Salsa and Chips or Pita and Hummus? Salsa, probably.
Meat or Tofu? Meat. Tofu...{{{{shudder}}}}
Soup or Salad? Depends.
Soda or Juice? Pop.
Can I get you anything else? ...you could go away...?
What's your problem? Impatience.
Favorite candy: Butterfinger.
Favorite food to make: Bread.
Food brand that you hate? Am not fond of Spam.
Do you try to buy all organic? Nope.
Favorite quick food? Bread.
Would You Rather...
Eat a steak or a whole tube of toothpaste? As the person before me pointed out, eating a tube of toothpaste would poison you. And I like steak.
Be covered in papercuts or cigarette burns? WTF?? Papercuts, I guess.
Be perceived as intelligent or street-smart (but not both)? I yam what I yam: intelligent.
Eat a bottle cap or a spider the size of a bottle cap? Is the spider dead? Cooked? Will salsa be provided? If all are 'yes', then the spider is a no-brainer.
Be ruled exclusively by your heart or your mind? Mind.
Have the power to read minds or make anyone fall in love with you? Read minds.
Chew shards of broken glass or sit on a lighted barbeque grill? Uh, well, I'd be wearing nomex on that grill.
Not be able to tell the time or not know left from right? Not tell time.
Be able to fly or be able to render yourself invisible? Fly. I'm pretty much already invisible.
Eat 15 feet of aluminum foil or swallow 3 steel guitar strings? The guitar strings, straight outta the package. Or still in the package.
Have questionable integrity or no sense of humor? Lose the humor. {sniff}
Always spit when you talk or always be spit on while spoken to? The former.
Granted the answers to any 3 questions or ability to resurrect one person? Answers, I want answers!!
Final Questions
Ever had a great song ruined for you after it was used in a commercial? Ayup.
Ever yelled at an SUV? Mostly at the driver, but yes.
A Hummer? I always mutter at Hummer drivers.
Ever faked being sick to get out of going somewhere? It's been known to have happened. Horror film that freaked you out the most? All of them. I can't stand horror movies.
Horror film that is so scary, you could not be paid to watch it again: Yup, all of 'em.
Bambi or Nemo? Since I haven't seen Nemo and hear about him CONSTANTLY at work....Bambi.
List 3 things that are worrying you right now: My mom's health, my health, work.
Are you sick of this survey yet? It's long.
It's too fucking long, right? Well, that's a relative term, but I'm getting a bit tired.
Well, I'm just trying to help you pass the time: What am I, your therapist?
How long have you [had a blog]? Since Jan. 2004.
Do you find it to be a fulfilling experience? I wouldn't keep coming back if I weren't getting something out of it.
Describe the last dream you had: Don't remember any recent ones right now.
Ever brought a lawsuit against a company? Am doing so right now as a matter of fact, a life-safety issue.
Ever sang at a Karaoke bar? Not in the mic.
What was the worst concert you ever went to? The worst opening act was U2's in their Vertigo tour. I hope they do better this year. I tend to LOVE opening acts most of the time.
The best? Billy Joel/Elton John.
Do you think you'll ever have children if you don't already? I do already.
Do you think there is life on other planets? Indubitably.
Have you ever saved a dying animal? I comforted one for months as it got sicker and sicker. "Saved"? No.
Most disgusting thing you have ever "found" in your food: Ground-up, crushed plastic. Technically, that was in a drink--from the bar, at Chili's.
Have you ever broken a leg or arm? Not yet.
Would you rather stay in the house or do things outside: Inside.
Do people make their own reality? Is there one true reality? Discuss. People collude together to create reality, but it's a different experience for everyone.
David Letterman or Jay Leno? Sleep. Or Bill Maher, or Craig Ferguson.
Last words? "Mistakes, I've made a few..."
What’s the worst food you’ve ever tasted? Am not fond of sweet combined with sour or salt.
What do you wish your name meant? erk? I'm a little too old for this game.
What’s your favorite word? Somehow "plock" springs to mind.
What are three things you hope to do before you die? Hold my grandchildren, learn to ride a motorcycle, and write a will.
What are three things you hope to do after you die? Donate my organs and whatever else is usable to whoever can use them, burn up, and live forever.
What are you most afraid of? Being found out.
If you found yourself in Mystic Fluffy Bunny Land, and you had to become a door-to-door salesperson to survive, what would you sell? The previous person's response was perfect: "mystic carrots."
What's the strangest thing you've seen today? Today has been a distinctly not-odd day. Thank goodness, and FINALLY!
Who's your favorite person? Sparky.
What do you think would be the most horrible way to die? Tortured.
Fries or salad? Salad.
Toast or muffin? Muffin. Corn, or blueberry.
Rap or country? Why not combine 'em?
Football or hockey? Football. No contest.
Gold or silver? Silver.
Who do you miss most? Dad.
Vacation to where? Someplace warmish with mountains.
Cremated or buried? Cremated.
Worst show on tv? Impossible to pick one.
Show you don't like to admit you watch? I get a lot of flack from some people for watching Survivor. Whatever.
Last person that made you crack up laughing? Beast and Amy.
Are you hungry? More 'snacky' than hungry.
Who's the most annoying person you know? CT (at work).
What are you doing tomorrow? Bell choir, making lots of copies, talking to parents, taping the Survivor finale.
Are you glad this is survey over? ...
[PSYCH again!]
01. are you comfortable sleeping on couches? Yep. I've done it many many times.
02. are you a light sleeper? Without earplugs: yes. With 'em: not so much.
03. is your bed comfortable? Yup.
04. what makes a bed comfortable to you? Heated mattress pad, nice sheets, perfectly adjusted pillows....
05. do you like to sleep? I have always loved sleeping!
06. how many hours a day have you been sleeping lately? This week, I've been averaging 8 or 9 because of my stupid eyes.
07. do you often fall asleep to music? Never.
08. or with the tv? Only on the couch. Usually during NASCAR. ;-)
09. can you sleep on airplanes? I can doze.
10. do you usually nap on long car rides? Only when I'm not driving.
11. do you have to sleep with a pillow? Only in bed.
12. or a blanket? Yes. I literally can't sleep without something over me: a sheet, a throw, a jacket, SOMEthing.
13. do you always change into pajamas? Usually. Not always.
14. have you ever fell asleep and woke up someplace completely different? Yes, in the hospital.
15. passed out and done the same? I was never asleep, but I blacked out once and lost a chunk of the travel time.
16. what's the longest you've ever been passed out? I haven't ever passed out except that one time. I've never fainted, either.
17. ever pulled an all nighter? More than once in the Olden Days.
18. are you going to sleep after this survey? Eventually.
19. do you often sleep out? "Sleep out"? In the yard? No. At other peoples' houses? No.
20. do you usually get the short couch? We don't have a short couch (a.k.a. loveseat). I used to, though.
21. do you drool when you sleep? On rare occasions.
22. talk in your sleep? I've been told I do.
23. have you ever sleepwalked? Only a couple of times, as a child.
24. do you dream when you sleep? Yes, please.
25. what was your worst nightmare? I used to have recurring bad dreams about work. They've stopped, since I no longer work there. The line between reality and nightmares was fairly thin back then.
26. what was your best recent dream? I don't remember.
27. have you ever woke up in a sweat? Yes, thanks to hormones.
28. woke up in the middle of an amazing dream? All too often!
30. have you ever fell out of bed? Yes. Not recently. [...and let me introduce to you this word: "Fallen." Now, go, use it!]
31. how many pillows are on your bed? Four.
32. stuffed animals? There are 3 or 4 in the bedroom, but not on the bed.
33. can you sleep comfortably in your clothes? Some of them, sometimes.
34. do you shower before bed? Nope, I don't want wet hair. I do have a bath some nights just before bed.
35. on school nights, when do you go to bed? {snort} I'm usually in bed, regardless of the day of the week, by 11 and sleep by 11:30.
36. did you have sleepovers on school nights? I can count on one hand the sleepovers I had in my house. Not on school nights.
Ooh, except when Dad was in the hospital and Mom wasn't home--my best friend slept over that night, and I'm pretty sure it was a school night.
37. what are your current bedsheets? Pale blue with 'satin' stripes.
38. is there anything on the ceiling above your bed? A fan.
39. do you have a headboard? Yes, my dad made it for our wedding.
40. a nightstand? One on either side of the bed.
41. if so, what's on it? Mine has the mattress pad controller, a Bose radio, a backup alarm with HUGE numbers, earplugs, lotion, pencil, erasor, Kleenex....dust.
42. do you always take off your makeup before bed? I never wear makeup. I do wash my face before bed, though.
43. brush your teeth before bed? Every night!
44. are you in your bed right now? I'm in my 'backup bed' (couch).
45. what channel do you usually fall asleep to? There is no TV allowed in our bedroom.
46. is there a window above your bed? Three of them. Well, behind the headboard, not above.
47. what usually wakes you up in the morning? Alarm(s).
48. have you ever actually awoken to frying bacon? Hmmm, no? Certainly not recently.
49. what time did you wake up this morning? I started waking up about 6:50. Beast came and got me up when he left at 7:15.
50. do you kick people in your sleep? I rarely even move in my sleep.
51. has anyone ever frozen your bra? W.T.F.?? No.
52. dipped your finger in water? While I was sleeping? No. I'd fucking kill 'em.
53. pulled another prank on you? Not while I was sleeping. My sense of humor does not extend that far.
54. do you sleep with your hair up? Nope.
55. crashed outside? Have I? Hmmm, I don't think so.
56. or at a party? Kinda, once. I was sick.
57. or at the beach? No...well, I sorta dozed in Puerto Vallarta.
58. thrown up in your sleep? Nope.
59. what size bed do you have? Queen.
60. do you set your alarm clock whenever you're home? Usually.
61. if so, what time's it usually set for? Probably 6 or 6:15.
62. do you use an alarm clock on your cell phone? When I sleep on the couch, or am away from home, yes.
63. are you an early bird? Mostly.
64. are you tired at all right now? Getting bored-ish.
1. What was the last thing you made? A trip to the dryer to get the bathmat and put it back by the tub.
2. What do you think of it? The bathmat? Or the trip? It was, they were, uneventful.
3. What's the weather like? It's lovely and springy outside. A little cool
4. How about inside? Dusty.
5. What have you eaten today? Bread, butter, cookies, gum, and some cheese.
6. Do you know all the words to the last song you were listening to? I believe the last song I heard was in the car as we pulled in the driveway this morning: "Welcome to the Jungle." And, yes. "I wanna watch you bleeeeeeed."
7. Do you play any instruments? I used to play flute, and before that piano.
8. Been overseas? Yup.
9. What's the worst part about the beach? Sand and gunk from the last high tide.
10. What's the next thing you are going to buy? T-shirts for the youth group trip.
11. What is the best age to die? When your time is up.
12. What is an acceptable age to lose your virginity? Mine? Or everyone's? Oh, fuggit: {plock}
13. How old were you? {plock}
14. What's your favorite book and why? Alice in Wonderland--I can relate!
15. Can you remember a quote from it? Actually, right now I can't.
16. Do you multilingual? "Do I"? I can speak pidgin-Spanish and know basic phrases in a few other languages, but I wouldn't call myself "lingual" in anything but English.
17. What's your favourite meal to cook? Thanksgiving.
18. What's the most romantic thing ever? Knowing that someone else has got your back, no matter what.
19. What's the most tragic thing ever? The death of small children, or really anyone, of preventable diseases.
20. What's the most eye-opening movie you've ever seen? How come? Working Girls. Holy SHIT, I was under-educated about the world before seeing this!
21. How many times have you been in love? Today? This week? Unanswerable question.
22. What's your blood heritage? O+
23. And what's been left physically for you to inherit? Not much. My mom's broke.
24. What was your mother's maiden name? Anglicized French, former bicyclist's name.
25. What's your favourite clothing item? Sheep sleep pants.
26. What would you do if your lover was in a horrible accident and had only an hour to live? My first reaction was "cry a lot." Realistically, I probably wouldn't, I'd just talk to him.
27. How do you want to die? Does anyone ever answer this other than to say "not now" and "quickly"?
28. Do you think you'll be a parent one day? Am.
29. What would make you sublimely happy right now? Having 100% healthy eyes.
30. Which direction does your bed face? The head of my bed is on the south..uhm...east wall.
31. What sayings and myths have you concluded must be true? "You don't know where that's been!"
Sunday night
5 years ago
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