Monday, March 3, 2008


(from here)

a-z surveyyy

A - Available: For what? Not really so much, actually.
A - Age: 44-1/4
A - Annoyance: WINTER!

B - Bestest Friend[s]: Beast, Amy, Jenny...the usual crew.
B - Birthday: Been there done it; do some research.

C - Car: Still the Ford Ranger.
C - Candy: Smarties.

D - Day or night: I prefer full daylight.

E- Easiest person to talk to: Other than myself? :-)
E- Eggs: Over easy with toast.

F - Favorite Month: Mid-September to mid-October.
F - Favorite color(s): yawn
F - Favorite Memory: The many, many times Sparky and I have laughed together.

G - Gummy Bears or Worms: All the same to me.
G - Giver or taker: I am in taker mode bigtime right now.
G - Giraffes? Mmmm, I love giraffes.

H - Hair Color: Same as yesterday.
H - Height: 171 cm.
H - Happy: Fair.

I - Ice Cream: Not right now.
I - Instrument: My favorite is probably French horn or cello.

J - Jewelry: I'm wearing all my emeralds today.
J - Job: Cataloger/Reference Librarian.
J - Jail: I think I'll take a pass!

K - Kids: I like them, and I have one of my own.
K - Kindergarden: I don't really have wonderful memories of it. I was bored, and I seemed to be especially klutzy that year.

L - Longest Car Ride: I went from here to Houston and back in the course of about 45 hours: about 2400 miles. Technically, I was "only" in the truck for about 38 hours of that. By the way, I rode the whole way--someone else drove. zOMG!

M - Most missed person: Nadie.
M - Movie: ...? My favorite is Heathers. I like lots of others.

N - Number of Siblings: Originally, four.
N - Number of Tattoos: None.
N - Name: Cat.

O - ONE WISH: A cure for AIDS.
O - One Phobia: Failure.
O - One regret: Lack of closure.

P- Pet Peeves: Intentionally ignorant people.
P- Part of your appearance you like best: Hands, feet and ears.
P- Part of your personality: Sense of humor.

Q- Quote: "Move on!" Eddie Izzard
Q- Quick or Slow: Quick.

R - Reason to smile: Kids.
R - Reality TV Show: TAR
R - Reason to cry: WINTER!!

S - Song Last Heard: "Everything" by Lifehouse.
S - Season: Fall.
S - Shoe: My Poptarts.

T - Time you woke up: I slept in till 7:30 today (of course, I was sort of awake by then...oh well).
T - Time Now: 10 p.m.
T - Time for bed: Right after I get out of the bath I'm going to take just after I finish this.

U - U love someone: Yes, several people.
U - Unpredictable? Yes. Sometimes.
U - Underwear: I don't really have anything that's my ultimate favorite underwear.

V - Vegetable you hate: Brussels sprouts.
V - Vacation spot: Ouray.

W- Worst Habits: Nailbiting, and flying off the handle.
W- Where are you going to travel next? No idea. Possibly Milwaukee in June.... I mean, I know I'll be in Milwaukee in June, but dunno if I'll go anywhere before that.
W- Weather right now: GD MF WINd

X - X-Ray: Just teeth.

Y - Year you were born: 1963
Y - Year it is now: 2008.
Y - Yellow: I'm not a huge fan of the yellow, no.

Z - Zoo Animal: Chimps.

0 sweet-talkers :

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