Saturday, March 14, 2009

Patrick's Place

(Link in blogroll)
Saturday Six

1. What kind of workspace would you most prefer: a desk out in the open with your co-workers, a cubicle that’s part of a maze of cubicles, a small office just large enough to give you a little privacy when you need it, or a grandiose office with a big city view?
I would KILL for a small office of my own with a door I could shut in one particular co-worker's face! But I'm happier with the cube I do have now rather than just parked in the middle of the big workroom as I was a few years ago.
2. Is your desk at work more organized or less organized than your workspace at home?
Normally, my work desk is way more organized than my home desk, but lately it's gotten completely out of hand. I have been itchy to redo my desk for awhile--and I need to dust anyway. Maybe this week....
3. Which single office supply do you find that you use the most?
Pencil lead? If we're talking normal supplies, it has to be ink or lead. I went through 100 barcodes today, though, along with a lot of the little forms we use for media cataloging, and some scrap paper.
4. You notice that a co-worker has taken one of your office supplies: a pair of scissors or a stapler, for example. You see that your name is on it when he opens his desk drawer. Shortly afterwards, he leaves for lunch. Do you retrieve your stuff or leave it there?
No, dude, I'd demand the item back when I saw it in his (or, more likely, her) drawer. I'm totally not playing that--believe me, I have been down this road!
5. Take the quiz: What Office Supply Are You?
When I did this before, I was a red pen. Fairly accurate.
6. Which of the following are you most likely to use the most at work: a cheap ballpoint, a felt-tip, a Sharpie marker, a dry erase marker, or a pencil?
Pencil. Not even close to a contest.

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