(Yes, it's from here)
If you were one of the Seven Dwarfs, which one would you be? Goofy. No, wait, sorry. Sneezy.
Have you ever thrown popcorn at someone and then pretended it wasn't you? Uh...I don't believe I've ever thrown popcorn at anyone.
Have you ever flown first class? Yes. To Vegas with Sparky about four years ago.
Would you rather surf in California or ski in Vermont? I can't swim and refuse to ski. Looks like I'm sittin' on the beach or in the lodge.
What is one topping you MUST have on your pizza? Cheese.
Do you prefer to read fiction or non-fiction books? I tend toward more fiction overall, but I don't mind good, well-written non-fiction.
Would you rather read books or magazines? Either, depending on where I find myself.
Have you ever seen a shooting star? I think so. But I don't really remember much about it.
Have you ever had your cheek pinched by a relative? Fuck yeah...sigh. Not for MANY years, however. I bite.
Have you ever torn your pants in public? No. That is strictly Beast's job, usually at friends' house.
Do you know how a bill is passed in Congress? Uh...I think so....?
Do you know the difference between a conjunction and an adjective? Yes.
How many times a day do you brush your teeth? Twice.
Do you chew on ice? Not anymore. My teeth can't take extreme temperatures.
Do you watch TV or read before bedtime? I don't allow TVs in bedrooms in my house, so Beast falls asleep in his chair downstairs sometimes. :-) I read or do crosswords/Sudokus.
Are you allergic to anything? Virtually everything in the summer.
How many times a week do you wash your hair? 3 or 4.
Do you own any plaid pants? Not anymore.
Have you ever been in a natural disaster (flood, hurricane, etc.)? No, thank God.
Have you ever had food SO bad in a restaurant that you sent it back? I sent a drink with ground-up plastic back once, and I just refused to eat (or pay for) food another time.
Have you ever touched a live chicken? Yes. Of course. Hello?
What about a live turkey? Yessirree Tom!
Do you sleep in pajamas? No, I sleep in bed (wearing pajamas).
Can you touch your toes without bending your knees? Nope.
Did you just try it? No.
What is the opposite of a hamburger? A salad?
Do you talk in your sleep? I've been known to do so, but usually only when life is stressful.
Have you ever played in the rain? Yes. Not so much since I started wearing glasses, though. :-(
Have you ever had a Mexican jumping bean? They were quite popular when I was a little kid. I haven't seen one in years.
If you didn't have [a knife], what would you use to spread butter on bread? My fingers? Or another piece of bread? Or just skip the butter.
Have you ever swallowed your gum? A few times, yeah. hah
Have you ever been ice fishing? Cat., in an ice hut on a frozen lake with a fishing pole = sign of the Apocalypse.
Where is the most inappropriate place your cell phone has rang? My cell phone never (or rarely) rings. I've had calls in the bathroom, though. That's a social weirdness I haven't quite fathomed.
Have you ever called 911 by accident? No.
Have you ever gone white water rafting? No. I'd like to, I think.
Have you ever faked sick? Of course. Damn. Has there every been anyone who hasn't??
How many times have you broken a bone? None.
Can you do a flip on a trampoline? No. Trampolines make me a little nervous.
Have you ever surfed? Can.Not.Swim. Ergo, no.
Have you ever fallen off a horse? Nope.
Have you ever had anyone tell you that your fly was open? Yep!
Have you ever successfully pogoed on a pogo stick? Many, many years ago.
Do you eat breakfast? Yes.
Would you rather shave your head or stop talking for a year? Shave my head. No contest!!
Have you ever sleepwalked? Yep. Again, only when stressed. I once walked to my parents room, turned on the light on Mom's side of the bed and kissed her, AND went back to bed...all in my sleep.
Can you flip your eyelids up? Yes, but it isn't a hobby. Usually, only my eye-doctor does it for me.
Are you double-jointed? Nope.
Have you ever gotten gum stuck in your hair? Yes, of course.
Have you ever thrown up after a rollercoaster ride? No.
Have you ever eaten a dog biscuit? Eecccchhhhh, no! Sparky used to eat dog food when he was little though; weirdo! :-)
Can you pick things up with your toes? Yep. Beast finds it cringe-worthy though, so I don't when he's around.
Did you just try to do it? No. Nothin' to pick up in here.
How many foreign countries have you visited? With a quick count, I'm saying 13.
Would you rather clean the bathroom or the kitchen? Bathroom. My kitchen ALWAYS seems like a nightmare!
Have you ever jammed a puzzle piece into a puzzle to "make it fit"? No. What's the point?
Would you blow your nose at the dinner table? I don't think I'd blow it, but I'd rather wipe my nose than have it dripping!
Have you ever slipped in the bathtub? Yes, which is why I'm VERY careful.
Have you ever locked yourself out of your house? A few times, yeah. heh
Have you ever made a semi truck honk? Wheeee....yeah!
Would you prefer to go through life with a huge nose or crossed eyes? Nose.
Would you rather jump into a dumpster or a vat of honey? As long as someone was right there to pull me out, I'm choosing honey. I don't want to drown in the stuff!
What is your favorite breed of dog? Labs.
Have you ever licked the tip of a ballpoint pen? Yeah. Never understood the point (ha ha ha) of it, though.
Have you ever eaten frog legs? No, but Sparky has.
Your absolute favorite shirt is dirty. Would you still wear it? Are we talking "filthy" or "already worn this week but basically fine"? I think that probably answers the question....
Have you ever put your tongue on a frozen pole? No, I learned this lesson early, but with a Creamsicle not a pole.
Have you ever blown bubbles in your milk? Not when Mom was around to know about it!
What did you call your baby blanket? Don't think I ever had anything like this. I was totally deprived!!
Have you ever worn bell-bottoms? Been through this trend twice now, and wore 'em both times.
Guys: Have you ever been in the ladies' room? / Girls: Have you ever been in the men's room? Every day I close that area of the library.
Have you ever smelled your own feet? Probably when I was little, but not since.
Did you just smell them? Nope. They don't stink. You would be thinking of Sparky or Beast, not me.
Have you ever broken a mirror? Of course.
Have you ever fallen asleep during a movie in the theater? There've been a couple I wished I'd slept through, but no.
Have you ever bathed a dog? Yes, of course.
Have you ever used a slingshot? Not really, no.
Have you ever gotten something stuck up your nose? Uh, no.
Have you ever sucked your thumb? I was a big thumbsucker until I was in school. It can be very comforting at odd times as an adult...but I only know that because I was dared a few years ago.
Can you read while travelling without getting sick? Planes and trains: yes. Cars and buses: no!
Sunday night
5 years ago
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