Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Back to the usual source

...that being Allison

Can you blow a bubble? With gum? Yes. With spit? Also yes. With bubble fluid? Yes. I can even make my own bubble fluid....

Can you do a cart wheel? Nope, too chicken.

Can you touch your toes? With what? ;-) I can touch them but I have to bend my knees.

Can you wiggle your ears? Not with intent. My dad could, though--yet another thing I'd like to have learned from him...sigh.

Can you touch your tongue to your nose? Eccccchhhhhh! Even if I could...no. It's just wrong.

Did you ever want to be a doctor? Briefly. VERY briefly.

Did you ever want to be a fire fighter? No, thank you. My brother is. It's covered. I can do something else.

Did you ever want to be a teacher? Yep.

Did you ever break the law? Nothing major, but yeah. I speed every day at some point. OK, well, not so much lately!

Did you vote for Bush? No. Nothing about the last 7 years is my fault!

Do you like rollercoasters? They don't thrill me.

Do you own a bike? Yes. I haven't ridden it for a couple of years, though.

Do you play the lotto? Never.

Do you like football? Love. It. ...der

Do you have a shopping addiction? That would be negatory.

Does your family have family picnics? No.

Does you wallet have any pics in it? Nope.

Does your job bring you satisfaction? Yes.

Does a soft answer turn away wrath? Yes. The softer the better. heh heh heh

Does sex mean love? Not necessarily.

Last person you hung out with? I'm down with the kid tonight.

Last car ride? Home from work.

Last text message? hee From Amy, and involving farm animal sounds.

Last baby you held? Olivia

Last time you shaved? This weekend. Sometime.

What was the last thing you bought? Dinner.

What was the last thing you had to drink? I'm drinking Diet DP.

What was the last thing you watched? We're watching CSI on Spike.

What was the last thing you read? Several blogs.

What was the last thing you hand wrote? A note to myself at work.

Who last talked to you on the phone? James.

Who was the last person you took a picture of? No clue. I'm in a camera-free phase lately.

Who was the last person to leave you a comment? Serena.

Who do you miss right now? No one.

Who last hugged you? Sparky.

What color shirt are you wearing? Navy blue.

Have any tattoos? Nope.

Have you any piercings? Earlobes.

Straight hair or curly? Wavy.

Where are you? Sofa.

Failed a class? Nope.

Professed your love and been turned down? Uh...no.

Accomplished a life goal? Yes.

Thought you were pregnant? Yes.

Sang in front of a crowd? Yes.

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