Thursday, February 28, 2008


(Found here)



Put your mp3 on random and type the song that comes up. Answer the q's. [and I'm using Launchcast]

Song 1: Nightshift - The Commodores
1. How did you discover this song? I first heard it in college. And I like the name-checked artists.
2. Is this a good dancing song? Maybe a slow dance.
3. Have you seen this band live? This band no longer exists as such, and I was too young for concerts when they did tour.

Song 2: I am Going Home - Bob Marley & the Wailers
1. The hottest member of this band is... ...Bob. The rest of them...not awful, but Bob's It.
2. Does this band have piano? Not usually.
3. Is this your favorite band? No. But I like him a lot.

Song 3: Rompe - Daddy Yankee
1. Does anyone in this band have a beard? Not as far as I can tell.
2. Do you like this song? Yup.
3. Are there any girls in this band? It's a guy, solo, with backup singers.

Song 4: Stand Tall - Burton Cummings
1. Has this band ever toured with Fall Out Boy? Uh...I would say that would be beyond unlikely....
2. Does your best friend like this song? Possibly.
3. One memory with this song: Wailing along to the radio with it in the 70s, when I was about 11.

Song 5: South Side - Moby
1. Does this song make you cry? No. Is Moby capable of making anyone cry?
2. Do you have the CD this song is on? No.
3. One memory with this song: Got nothin' on this one. It popped into Launchcast a few months ago and I ranked it.

Song 6: Voices Carry - 'Til Tuesday
1. Does this song remind you of a boy? It reminds me a bit of Beast; he LOVED this song when it was popular.
2. Have you ever heard this song live? No.
3. What is the first line of this song? I'm in the dark, I'd like to read his mind

Song 7: So Young - The Corrs
1. What is the chorus? ‘Cause we were so young then / We are so young, so young now / And when tomorrow comes / We’ll just do it all again
2. Does this song make you want to destroy things? No. It's a decidedly happy song.
3. Would anyone expect you to have this song? Dunno. If they heard it, some of my friends might think I'd like it.

Song 8: Dear Deidre - The Proclaimers
1. Did you pirate this song? I don't own it.
2. Who told you about this band? I heard them on the radio about 15 years ago.
3. Is this a Christian band? Not per se.

Song 9: Low Rider - War
1. Does this band use synth? That's a negatory.
2. What is you favorite line from this song? There are lyrics? :-) How about this: "Low rider don't drive too fast"
3. Does your mom like this band? Hah. Mom doesn't like anything post-1960, at best, and she would LOATHE a song about this cultural artifact.

Song 10: Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of - U2
1. Have you ever written the lyrics to this anywhere? Uh, possibly I've posted them in one of my blogs.
2. Are all of the original members of this band still in it? Ayup.
3. Is this your favorite song? It's one of U2's songs that I like a lot.

Song 11: More to This Life - Steven Curtis Chapman
1. What is your favorite song from this band? I've rated this one pretty highly, so we'll go with this one.
2. Does this song swear? Oh, hardly!!
3. Have you heard this on the radio? Not that I'm aware of.

Song 12: Oh Me Oh My (I'm a Fool For You Baby) - Aretha Franklin
1. What is your favorite line? "We'll blow a genie from a cigarette" -- I like the poetry in that phrase.
2. Does this song sing about stars? Nope, no stars.
3. Who is the singer? Uh, derrrr: Aretha.

Song 13: Use Ta Be My Girl - The O'Jays
1. Is there a number in this song? Is "plenty" a number? If not, then no.
2. Is this song special to you for any reason? Other than just liking the tune, no.
3. Is this song good for moshing? Absolutely not!

Song 14: Zzyzx Rd. - Stone Sour
1. How long have you liked this band? Under a year, I'm sure.
2. Is this song about a girl? Not as far as I can tell.
3. Have you told someone about this band? Nope.

Song 15: Dear Maria, Count Me In - All Time Low
1. Do you listen to this for a certain mood? Not really.
2. Does this remind you of anyone? No.
3. What is the last line of this song? "There's a story at the bottom of this bottle"


1. Are you ready for 100 questions? Sure.

2. Do you watch college football? Only the bowl games, or if Beast is watching.

3. Who will fill this survey out after you? The only person who would is Amy.

4. Who was the last person to send you a text message? Beast.

5. Do you love anyone? Yes.

6. Are you happy? I'm content for the most part.

7. Where was the last place you went shopping? Taco Bell.

8. How do you feel about your hair? I like it. It keeps my head warm.

10. Last thing you ate/drank? Still guzzling the Diet DP.

11. Do you wish you were someplace else right now? Bed, asleep.

12. Do you have any pet peeves? Loads, but I'm not going there at this point in the day.

13. Do you have any expensive jewelry? Yes, but nothing outrageous.

14. AIM or Yahoo? Meebo, though I do have a Yahoo! account.

15. Do you like math? Sure, why not?

18. Favorite baseball team? Baseball? What's that?

19. Favorte NBA team? Uck, can't STAND basketball!

20. Do you watch the Olympics? Yup.

21. Last restaurant you went to? The last one I was inside was McD's yesterday.

22. Who was the last person to call you? Beast.

23. What’s your sign? Scorpio

24. Do you have a favorite number? Not really.

25. Last time you did volunteer work or made any donations? Tuesday night.

26. What do you spend the majority of your money on? Housing.

27. Where does your family live? Here, WI, OH, CO, TX, TN, NY, and the UK (England and Scotland).

28. Are you an only child or do you have siblings? Both. I have siblings but they are MUCH older than me.

29. Ever been called a bitch? Countless times.

30. Got any guilty pleasures? Yep.

31. Do you drink beer? Never.

32. What's your favorite color? Blue.

33. Did you ever collect Beanie Babies? Sparky and I sort of did.

34. Ever bought anything online? Lots of times.

35. Myspace or Facebook? Fbook.

36. Do you have T-Mobile? No.

38. Do you sometimes wish you were someone else? Not really, not anymore.

39. is hunting for a pencil.

40. wants to move to Hawaii.

41. Last time you saw your parents? My mom: last spring. My dad 14 years ago.

42. Do you have any talents? Yep.

43. Ever been in a wedding? Five or six of 'em.

44. Do you have any children? One.

45. Last movie you watched? Matrix.

46. Are you missing anyone at the moment? Nope.

47. Did you take a nap today? Uh, no. I was at work from 12 till 9 and busy in the morning.

49. Ever been on a cruise? Only short ones.

50. Did you notice number 40 was missing? Yup. So is 39.

52. Do you have any wealthy friends? Yup.

53. Ever met anyone famous before? Yes.

54. Favorite actor? Matt Damon? I dunno, this is not something I worry about much.

55. Favorite actress? Julia Roberts.

56. Are you multi-tasking right now? Well, the TV is on, so I guess so.

57. Could you handle being in the military? No. And I doubt they could handle me.

58. Are you hungry or thirsty? Not particularly.

59. Favorite fast food restaurant? Taco Bell.

61. What is your average cell phone bill? Dunno.

62. Do you own a camera phone? Nope.

63. Ever had to take a sobriety test? Nope.

64. Do you believe in Karma? I hope it exists, but I don't really believe. It's more hopefulness.

65. Can you speak any other languages? I can muddle through in Spanish, and read basic stuff in several other languages.

66. Last time you went to the gym or worked out? Hah!

67. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 20-30, including boots.

68. Do you have a photo hosting site that you use? If Snapfish counts, then yes.

69. Last place you were? The last place I was what?? I was at work till 9, then I drove home and I've been here ever since.

70. What is your college mascot? It was retarded and eminently forgettable.

71. Ever been to Ireland? Nope.

72. to 75. are touring as a barbershop quartet.

76. Have you ever been gambling? Yes.

77. How old are your parents? 86 and ageless (he's be 88 if he were alive).

78. When is the last time you updated your blog? This morning.

79. Do you have your wisdom teeth? I used to have them in a box somewhere; they are probably still around somewhere.

80. Favorite place to be? In bed, on my way to sleep.

81. Have you been to Denver? I used to live there.

82 Favorite sit down restaurant? The Mill. Or maybe Six Balls.

83. Ever been to Six Flags? Twice. And I'm good, now, until my next lifetime.

84. Do you have a favorite cartoon character? mee-meep. I love the Roadrunner.

85. Last thing you cooked? A bagel, for lunch.

86. How is the weather today? Right now it's dark. It was (SURPRISE!) snowing a little on the drive home. Just a very little.

87. Do you email? Uhm, YEAH! ??

88. Last letter/piece of mail you received besides junk or a bill? A lovely note from the Aimster.

89. Last missed call? No clue.

91. Last voicemail you received? No clue.

92. Do you drunk dial/text? No. I rarely drink enough to be considered drunk.

93. Stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone? I've dropped it several times, once it ended up under my work cart and I thought I'd lost it.

94. What is the best city in the state that you live in? G@len@ ?

95. has taken the kids to the park.

96. Did you just die? Nope, still ticking.

97. Are you bored right now? A bit.

98. Last concert you went to? Sunday night's Newsboys et al. concert.

99. What do you think about before you go to bed? Nothing upsetting. I try to keep myself from thinking at all.

100. What are your plans for tomorrow? Sam's Club, allergist, updating my book blog, catching up on listserv posts....big fun.


1. What are your opinions on ryan sheckler? I have none, but I now know that we are discussing a skateboarder. Does he not capitalize his name?

2. What are you wearing? Blue fluffy slippers, comfy beige pants, pale green turtleneck, earrings, glasses...etc.

3. Are you single? Noop.

4. Do you want to be single? Heh, no.

5. Why? I like being married.

6. Do you like 50 cent? Not particularly.

7. Are you sick? Apparently, my eyes are.

8. Are you still in school? Not officially.

9. Do you have a twin? Just a lot of doppelgängers.

10. What did you do yesterday? Worked, went to the eye dr. and ate dinner at church before coming home.

11. What did you do today? Worked, caught up on feed-reading, and put a lot of drops in my eyes.

12. What are you worried about? My mother-in-law.

13. What's annoying you right now? LOUD ads on TV.

14. What is your best friend's name? Jenny, Beast, Amy...

15. What's your favorite drink? Diet DP.

16. Do you like card games? I love them.

17. Do you understand poker? Yes I do.

18. What is amusing you right now? ...can't think of anything.

19. What's your favorite sport? Football (to watch).

20. Do you like guitar hero? Never played it.

21. What sports do you play? I don't.

22. Is the number 30 significant to you? Not particularly.

23. Do you like high school? I liked parts of it. Parts of it totally sucked.

24. Do you curse a lot? Yes. More than I probably should.

25. Do you have friends? How sad would it be to answer 'no'. But I can say 'yes' so I'm in good shape.

26. Do you wear rings? Yes, three.

27. Are you smart? Bloody brilliant!

28. What are you doing this weekend? I work Saturday. Dunno about the rest.

29. Do you have a special someone/ boyfriend/ girlfriend? Just a husband.

30. How long have you been together? Married nearly 22 years, together probably 24ish.

31. Have you ever eaten pizza? Of course.

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