Who[[create_and_recreate]]--Please don't remove tag? I have no idea what this means, but I'm not removing it....
1. Who are you? Me llamo Cat.
2. Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend? My husband is Beast.
3. Who is your crush, if you don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No crushes.
4. Who are your siblings? Marie, Ellen, Jean, and Del.
5. Who are three random cuties/hotties of the opposite sex? Patrick Stewart, Ricky Martin, and Howie Long. Well, hey: the question said "random"!!
6. Who is one person you wouldn't mind getting to know better? Kate M.
7. Who is someone you wish wasn't so confusing? Sparky.
8. Who is someone you wish lived closer? Jenny.
9. Who is one celebrity you wouldn't mind dating? I would very much mind dating any celebrity, thanks.
10. Who is someone you wish you talked to more? Amy.
11. Who is someone you wish you saw more? Elizabeth.
12. Who are your closest friends? Beast, Jenny, Amy, T.
13. Who is someone you look up to? Marie.
14. Who is someone that inspires you? My MIL.
15. Who is your loudest friend? Beast, or maybe T.
16. Who is the last person you hugged? Sparky.
17. Who is the last person you kissed? Beast.
18. Who is the last person you talked to in person? Beast.
19. Who is the last person you called? P@ulie's, for 'za.
20. Who is the last person who called you? Jean called yesterday (twice), but I was asleep.
21. Who is the last person to IM you? Beast.
22. Who is the last person to text you? Probably Beast, but it's been awhile.
23. Who is someone you know that seriously just needs to grow up? Dean.
24. Who is the biggest trouble maker you know? Jane.
25. Who is someone that needs to dress more modestly? Several girls at our high school.
26. Who is someone that goes to your church? Sara.
27. Who is someone in your neighborhood? Cindy.
28. Who is your favorite actor/actress? Sandra Bullock.
29. Who is your favorite singer/group? Mary J. Blige.
30. Who is your favorite author? Anne LaMott.
31. Who do you normally talk to on the phone with for the longest amount of time? Whoever I haven't talked to for a long time...and Beast when he's out of town.
32. Who do you hang out with at lunch at school? N/A
33. Who is the last person to spend the night at your house? Outside the family, I think it was Sparky's friend, Z.
34. Who named your pets? Sparky, because it's his guinea pig!
35. Who bought your cell phone for you? We did.
36. Who is someone you wish you could get away from? Jane.
37. Who is the friend you've known the longest (non-relative)? Laura.
38. Who was the last person you took a picture of? Someone from last weekend's lock-in.
39. Who is someone whose wedding you want to be in? The only weddings I will be in in the future will be my son's and anyone who wants me to read. I'm done buying stupid dresses to walk down an aisle in!
40. Who was your longest crush? I had a horrible 4-year crush on WG in high school/college. Still think he's pretty cool 25 years later, too.
41. Who do you know that is the best cook? Linda.
42. Who is the most shy person you know? June.
43. Who is the last person you hung out with? I hung out this evening with Sparky and the Beast.
44. Who is someone you are currently missing? no one specific
45. Who is someone who will fill this out after you? I'm not sure anyone else is insane enough.
1. Are you single? Nope.
2. Do you hate your ex? Nope.
3. Why are you single or taken? I'm married to a man I really love.
4. What is one word to describe you? Middle-aged.
5. How many close friends do you have? 3ish.
6. Do you cry a lot? Less than I used to, but more than I wish I did.
7. Do you like being by yourself? YES!
8. Do you like to read? Yes.
9. Do you like to sniff markers? Not intentionally. I do like how markers smell, however.
10. Do you like taking pictures? Sometimes.
11. Are you pale? Always.
12. Do you like kids? I love kids, but not in groups.
13. Are you still not over someone? Uh...in the big picture, no. In the smaller, 'romantic' sense, I'm WAY over everyone! :-)
14. Do you think you will be married by the time you're 18? I got married at 22.
15. Who's your best friend? (didn't we do this one already?) Beast, Jenny, Amy...
16. Are you weird? Yes. According to my housemates, anyway.
17. Do you know how to spell? Yesh. Yesh, I du.
18. Do you think you're smart? I'm brilliant!
19. Are you annoyed easily? I allow certain people and situations to push all my buttons. I need to get over that.
20. Are you conceited? I don't think so, no!
21. Do you like to dance? In private, yes.
22. What do you think is so fun about Myspace? I hate MySpace.
24. What is your favorite movie? Heathers.
25. Do you like taking surveys? Yes.
26. Do you get bored easily? Uh, I get distracted easily. I don't really get bored very often.
27. What kind of TV shows do you like? Crime shows, and stuff that isn't stoopud.
28. Would you ever dance naked in the rain? Nope. I'm pretty well past that, I think.
29. Who are you most anxious to see at your 10 year high school reunion? Didn't go to my 10-year. I was interested to see if the popular crowd had gotten its collective head out of its ass. It hadn't. There was much drama in the hallways, and no interaction with people who weren't 'in.' Gimme a fuckin' break!!
30. Are you a messy person? I can be untidy in the extreme. Witness my desk here at home.
31. Do you lose things easily? I misplace things a lot.
32. Do you love your family? 97% of 'em, yes.
33. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Yes.
34. Where do you want to live one day? Someplace with milder winters.
35. Do you like talking on the phone? Not really.
36. Do you laugh at jokes just to be nice? Not really; if I don't get it, I don't laugh. If I do get it, I laugh.
37. Are you a clean freak? Some people probably think so. I don't like dirt, but a little untidiness (a little!) is okay.
38. Do you like church? I appreciate worship, I love the youth group and the Sunday School kids, I appreciate the support network. I could live without a lot of the drama.
39. Do you drink? Yes, some. I've a glass of lovely Gewurtz at hand just now, in fact.
40. What's your favorite class and why? The only class I didn't enjoy in high school was math.
41. Do you hate someone? No, but I'm might annoyed at several.
42. If you do hate someone, why? N/A.
43. Do you smoke? Still no.
44. Do you like to fight or argue? Do I like to? No. Can I stop myself? Not consistently.
45. Have you ever been in love? Yes.
46. Have you ever cried watching a movie? Almost every movie I've ever seen....
47. Do you lie a lot? Define "a lot." I don't think so, no.
48. If you do lie a lot, why? When I do lie, it's to make social interaction a little more peaceful.
49. If you were the preferred sex, would you date yourself? Probably not.
50. Do you sometimes cry for no reason? There's ALWAYS a reason. It just takes awhile to figure out sometimes.
51. Do you sometimes laugh for no reason? No. See previous answer.
52. Do you like the clothes you wear? If I didn't, I wouldn't own them.
53. Do you think you were an ugly baby? I was an adorable baby, and I have a large portrait of myself in the other room to prove it! :-)
54. What do you want to be doing right now? nothing
55. Do you like Valentines Day? Mostly, I can't be bothered.
56. Do you miss someone? Not particularly. Still.
57. Are you jealous of someone? Hmmm....no, I don't think so.
58. Do you have a favorite place? Yep.
59. What famous person would you want to be with if you could? I'll be staying single in that event, thanks.
1. Would you chew gum after someone else? Not the same piece! Gaack!!
2. Describe your relationship status. Married. Very.
3. Who were your last 5 calls from? Beast, James (twice), Sparky...dunno the others (too lazy to check).
4. Are you a heart breaker, or the broken heart? I'm probably more the former than the latter.
5. Ever been skinny dipping? No. Well...not exactly....
6. Earrings or necklace? Earrings.
7. Who have you talked to most this weekend? Beast.
8. Pumpkins? They are orange. They are weird. Anything else I can help you with?
9. Friend that lives closest to you? Beast.
10. Color of your shirt? Sort of a rust-orange.
11. How many years have you taken a language? I did 7 years' worth of Spanish in junior high and high school, tested out of Freshman (college) level, took three more semesters and walked away with a minor in Spanish.
12. Who's on speed dial 2? I believe that's Beast.
13. What is your background on your computer mainscreen?
14. Do you wish on 11:11? Nope. I'm unfamiliar with this concept.
15. Good advice if you ever go camping? Air mattress, earplugs, and extra blankets.
16. Are you a bad influence? Negatory.
17. What color are your eyes? Hazel.
18. Would you rather have your name or your siblings' names? Mine. Definitely!!
19. Would you do anything for someone? For Sparky, yes. For Beast, almost.
20. Have you ever been called a bitch? It's a regular occurrence, unfortunately.
21. Fave. color? Blue.
22. Do you use smiley faces on the computer? Yes, but not to an extreme. I don't think.
23. What song is on? No musica, solo golf.
24. Are your grades good? They were, yes.
25. Do you ever think people hate you for filling these out? HATE me? WTF! If you don't want to read it, stop for heaven's sake!
26. Would you date anyone on your top friends? I'm married to one of 'em.
27. Does your best friend have a myspace? No.
28. Whose page did you visit last? On MySpace, probably Sparky's. In general...Bloglines, and from there several other people.
29. Last time you went out to lunch? I had brunch today with Beast, and I bought lunch on Friday and ate it in the cemetery across the street.
30. Do you watch the Gilmore Girls? Nope.
31. Have you ever enjoyed listening to Jack Johnson? He's ok. A little mellow for me, but ok.
32. Have you ever seen or enjoyed watching the O.C.? Neither.
33. Do you have one or more Britney Spears C.D.s? Not a one.
34. Which radio stations are your favorites? Jack.
35. Are you a Lost fanatic? No.
36. Still have pictures of your ex? I don't think I ever had pictures of my most recent exes.
37. Do you have a song by Ozzy Osbourne in your library? No, but I have several 'favorited' in Launchcast.
38. Alanis Morisette? Ditto.
39. Do you watch Family Guy regularly? Never.
40. King of the Hill? Ditto.
41. Do you read trashy romance novels often? VERY infrequently.
43. Do you sing obnoxiously in the car? Not obnoxiously, or at least not often obnoxiously. I do sing in the car, though.
44. Do you ever sing obnoxiously in the shower? I don't sing at all in the shower.
45. Have you ever watched a little kid's show? I used to watch them all the bloody time!
46. Have you ever pretended your crush was with you when they weren't? Yes.
47. Did you draw pictures for your first crush back in elementary? No, couldn't draw then any better than I do now!
48. Have you ever liked a girl/boy but didn't ask her/him out because you were afraid? Of course.
49. Have you ever written a poem or story about your life? Yes.
50. Have you ever spent over an hour thinking about nothing but a certain person? Yup.
1. Do you own a polka dot shirt? No, I don't think so.
2. Do you think that you will ever be the first women president? ME? Not if I were the last woman on Earth!
3. How many showers have you taken today? None. Showered last night.
4. What do you think you will be doing at this time tomorrow? Playing the CSI game with Sparky. I promised. Or...actually, he'll probably have gone to bed (or rather "gone to bed" meaning sitting in his room listening to Green Day for the 4 billionth time). Maybe I'll be meming again.
5. What is the hottest thing about a guy? Sorta depends on the guy, don't you think?
6. Who do you want the next president to be? A Democrat.
7. What do you know about your religion? Actually, I know a lot about the early years of Christianity. And other stuff. I'm pretty much stuck in WASP-land, though. Don't ask me anything too deep about Hinduism, for instance.
8. How many new people have you met this year? I meet new people almost every day at work. No one memorable as yet, that I want to keep around as a friend.
9. What is the last number you used? For what? The last number I called? I called the pizza place for dinner.
10. What was the last candy you had? M&M's last night.
11. Do you drink soda? All the time.
12. Are you worried about your weight? I'm not sanguine about it....
13. What song would you want a guy to sing to you? I would prefer if Beast didn't sing to me, thanks.
14. What is your words per minute (how fast you type)? Used to be about 60 with good accuracy. I'm probably still close to that in speed, but MUCH less accurate (I made 3 typos in this last answer alone!).
15. What will you eat next? Breakfast.
16. When was the last time you baked brownies? Quite some time.
17. How many people know your birthday? Several.
18. Do you look tired today? Sugah, Ah always look tahred.
19. When was the last time you had a Now & Later? WTF?
20. Do you think Tom DeLonge is hot? Let me go look...No.
21. Name a friend & his/her favorite color. Jenny's is purple.
22. What was the last thing you ran for? My life.
23. Do you think you have no life? Oh, yeah, I have a life all right!
24. How many days until you get out of school or go back to school? N/A at present.
25. Take your age, multiply it by your favorite number, add it to the amount of letters in your first name, subtract it by how many speakers you have and multiply it by 3. What do you get? 2079.
26. Have you ever failed a final? Nope.
27. At what age do you think your hair will start turning gray? Jenny & Beast took turns pulling out the white hairs when I was about 21.
28. Name something that you have more than 28 of. Candles on my birthday cake.
29. Do you like peas? Fresh or frozen ones, yes. Otherwise...ick.
30. Have you ever woken up with a spider on you? Yes.
31. Do you drool in your sleep? Not very often; only when I have a really bad cold.
32. Have you ever peed yourself in your sleep at a friend's? Uh, no, don't think so.
33. Do you watch the Real World? I used to watch more or less regularly until Las Vegas.
34. Have you whined today? Actually, I don't think I have. Shocking!
35. Have you talked mean about anyone today? Yup. So shoot me.
36. Does your name start with the letter K? No K's anywhere in my name.
37. What does your soap smell like? Aloe...and Dial soap.
38. Do you believe in pre-marital sex? I believe it exists. I believe it's a personal choice, and I think it's generally the most sensible path to follow if possible.
39. Have you ever had a stalker? No, TG!!
40. Can you remember your last dream? Vaguely. I was at a conference/retreat, sharing a room with four other women. And it wasn't going well. ;-)
41. Have you ever popped a string on a guitar? Not that I'm aware of.
42. Do you leave food sitting up in your room? If there's food in my bedroom, I'm eating it.
43. Do you have a nose ring? Nope.
44. How many people did you talk to last time you were on the phone? Just one.
45. What is your reasoning for usually getting online? What a terrible sentence! I usually get online to blog.
46. How much money do you think you'll make when you get older? Over my lifetime, over $2,000,000. Which isn't that much, really.
47. Do you have trouble falling asleep? On occasion, yes.
48. Have you ever been struck by lightning? Nope. I've a healthy fear of lightning, but I'm not neurotic about it.
49. What is your sign? Scorp.
50. Have you ever thought a teacher was really hot? "Hot" was not a term I used, but I had crushes on teachers.
What is your best friend's Mom's name? One's is Joan, one's is Christine, one I don't know.
Who was the hottest teacher you ever had? Oh for fuck's sake...
Have you ever made out in a movie theater? No. I'm sadly deprived.
What body part do you wash first? In the shower, hair. In the bath, face.
Do you have any peircings? Earlobes.
What's the strangest talent you have? I can sing the alphabet backwards.
Do you have an innie or an outtie? Innie.
What's your favorite flavored Pringles? I can't STAND Pringles!!
Have you ever been tied up? I have an older brother who used to torture me...does that count?
What was the last thing you ever got grounded for? My parents didn't go the grounding route.
Do you parallel park or drive around the block? I prefer not to, but I can do it, if there's not a lot of traffic.
Have you ever had two dates in one night? ...college was interesting that way...
How many times have you been cussed out? A few.
Which shoe do you put on first? Right.
How old are you? 44
Have you ever been to a gay bar? No. I haven't been to any bars in about three years, though, so don't get uptight.
Is there one thing all of your ex's have had in common? They are all exes. Otherwise...nothing. Oh, and they were male.
Did you french kiss before you were 16? Heh.
Have you ever been cow-tipping or snipe-hunting? No. I'm not gullible, or stupid.
Who is the last person you think about before you fall asleep? Beast.
Have you ever had a poem or a song written about you? Not exactly.
Have you ever found anything gross in your parent's bedroom? I wasn't really allowed in my parents' bedroom. And I never really searched it either.
What was your childhood nickname? Didn't have one.
When is the last time you played the air guitar? I'm not sure I ever have....
Have you ever peeked in the opposite sex's locker room? Of course. I've been IN it, for heaven's sake (it was empty).
What's the weirdest thing you have done while driving? Heh heh heh. But not that. We have friends who did that, and now have a lovely daughter.
Have you ever bitten your toenails? No clue. Probably not.
How do you normally eat your cookies? One bite at a time.
Name something you do when you're alone? Same sorts of things I do when I'm not alone.
How many drinks does it take before you get drunk? Not much.
Have you ever sniffed an animal's butt? Yes, to check for illness when Cinnamon was so sick.
How often do you clean out your ears? Every time I shower.
Do you scrunch or fold your toilet paper? Scrunch.
Do you have any strange phobias? Define "strange." No, my fears are all perfectly reasonable.
Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? Only when prescribed!
What is the stupidest thing you've ever done at a bar? Had another drink.
Have you ever been dared to do something you totally regretted? I'm pretty capable of turning down dares. Don't think I've ever been talked into anything too stupid.
Have you ever called your bf/gf by another girl's/guy's name? I'm constantly calling Beast by my brother's name. Just recently one of my nephews did the same thing, so I no longer feel so freaked-out about it.
Have you ever played naked twister? No thanks.
Have you ever been drunk at work? No, though I have been pretty hungover at least once.
Have you ever found your gf/bf's sibling more attractive? Oh, yeah, a former boyfriend's brother was a big time "thing" of mine!
Do you want to bring sexy back? I'm still trying to figure out where everyone thinks it went!!
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