Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Give Me Five Monday

...a day late...
(Link at left)

Give Me Five things about Christmas/Holiday cards: buying them, getting them ready, sending them, receiving them, displaying them, tips for recycling them, getting/sending 'family newsletters', traditions, pictures, etc.

1. We almost always buy our cards after the holidays...for next year. We don't even have to go the day after Christmas, just sometime that week between Christmas & New Year's.

2. When I was growing up, we always taped the cards up as they arrived, either in the archway in the dining room and living room, on the closet door, somewhere. We don't do that because Beast doesn't want the paint damaged. Sigh...

3. We have sent a family letter every year, I think. I love them, although not always for purely altruistic reasons. Some of those we receive are annoying, some are (untintentionally) humorous, some are outright hysterical (usually on purpose), but I love them all.

4. We reuse the cards from previous years for gift tags. Those that just won't work as tags, I send to St. Jude's Ranch for Children.

5. We have a box of index cards that we use to track who we have sent and received cards (bad grammar--sorry). We've been doing that for 21 years now. It's fun to track all the address changes.

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