Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Survey Place

(Link at left)
Think Fast Survey: answer with the first thing that pops into your head

1. My ex is still... my ex. I'm not even sure to whom this would refer at this point!

2. I am listening to... Sparky play The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess. Also watching him.

3. Maybe I should... go to bed early tonight. Or make dinner now.

4. I love... rock 'n roll!

5. My best friends... don't live very nearby.

6. I don't understand... a lot of things. Lots and lots and lots.

7. I lost my respect for... Condi Rice.

9. The meaning of my screen name is... what screen name? My name here is based on my job. My gmail address is based on a section of the Bible I like. Another email address I use is Beast's and my initials + last name. My Yahoo! is similar to my reading blog. Work email was assigned and is my first name and last initial. I have a lot of aliases.

10. Love is... a many-splendored thing.

11. Somewhere, someone is... crying. Somewhere, someone else is laughing.

12. I will always... be Sparky's mom.

13. Forever seems like... an overused concept.

14. I never ever want to lose... my sense of wonder at nature.

15. My mobile phone is... charging.

16. When I wake up in the morning... I always have a list in my head.

17. I get annoyed when... people don't tell me about changes that affect me.

18. Parties are... not really my style.

19. My pet... is a stupid thing to call someone you love.

20. Kisses are... yummy.

21. Today I... didn't get much done at work. But I got more done than expected when I realized that I was going to be working more public desk hours than anticipated.

22. I really want... to have better control of my eating habits.

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