You Are a Mac |
You are creative, stylish, and super trendy. You demand the best - even if it costs an arm and a leg. |
I'm so NOT a Mac. Not in any way, though I guess I do demand the best of people, and some things....
You Are Very Happy |
Your life is totally together, and you enjoy every day. And you don't need a quiz to tell you that! You know how to find pleasure in the little things... And even when life isn't so great, you have a good sense of perspective. |
I'll buy some of the description, but my life is NOT totally together. There are a lot of loose ends.
Your Brain is Purple |
Of all the brain types, yours is the most idealistic. You tend to think wild, amazing thoughts. Your dreams and fantasies are intense. Your thoughts are creative, inventive, and without boundaries. You tend to spend a lot of time thinking of fictional people and places - or a very different life for yourself. |
OK, I'll buy that. It's kind of freaky how a couple of the phrases are.
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