This one is from Shelly. So much for accomplishing anything tonight.
1. How old do you wish you were?
I was thinking a couple of days ago that 7 would be nice, but I think if I had to stay where I was permanently I'd probably pick somewhere between 25 and 30. Funnily enough, I was childless then....
2. Where were you when 9/11 happened?
Beast called me at church where I was doing attendance for the previous Sunday's worship service. I went home immediately, nearly being hit by a guy in a truck who was racing home. Just after he pulled into his driveway the first tower fell.
When I got home, our pastor's wife called. They couldn't get their cable situation sorted out (they'd moved the weekend before) and didn't even know anything was going on, so they came over and watched the news at our house for awhile.
3. What do you do when vending machines steal your money?
Swear. Try another machine. Or, if there isn't another one, try to convince myself that I really didn't need whatever it was I didn't get.
4. Do you consider yourself kind?
Not really. But I fake it well.
5. If you had to get a tattoo, where and what would it be?
I wouldn't. If I had to, I'd get something small on someplace that won't sag: ankle, top of my foot, etc.
6. If you could be fluent in any other language what would it be? Fluent speaking? I think Russian would be kind of neat to know.
Fluent reading? I'd go with Greek.
7. Do you know your neighbors?
Yup, although I realized today that I've forgotten the name of the wife next door. She is quite shy and doesn't speak much English; I've only met her twice.
8. What do you consider a vacation?
When I come back ready to face reality, with a different (hopefully better) perspective on life.
9. Do you follow your horoscope?
Nope. Never read it.
10. Would you move for the person you loved?
I have. I'm not sure I'd do it again; we've discussed it a lot; my like in the sand is "no further East than we currently are, unless we cross an ocean."
11. Are you touchy feely?
Much more so than I was growing up.
12. Do you believe that opposites attract?
Well, yeah, in physics.
With people, I think there's interest in how this person can possibly be SOOO strange. And I don't think anyone can predict who's going to fall for whom, for real.
13. Dream job?
Pretty much the one I have now.
14. Favorite channels?
The ones that are saved in our remote are MTV, CNN, Bravo, The Weather Channel, E!, Discovery, ESPN, TLC, and BBCAmerica. That pretty much says it all.
15. Favorite place to go on a weekend?
16. Showers or Bath?
Bath. Which I'd like to be doing now, but I'm immersed in this, and Real World (on MTV), and feeling superior.
17. Do you paint your nails?
My toes are always done in the summer. I have unlovely hands so I tend not to knock myself out calling attention to them.
18. Do you trust people easily?
I trust 'em more if I can see 'em. I've learned, with difficulty, to cultivate a cynical streak, however, and online I'm completely paranoid.
19. What are your phobias?
I don't really have too many unreasonable fears. I'm not crazy about bugs, but that's not really unreasonable; I don't freak out when I see them in the course of my life.
I think I'm developing a little claustrophobia. I definitely DON'T like crowds of people at all.
Actually, I think I'm cursed more with anxiety than phobias. I worry about every-damn-thing, from friends' sinus infections, to what's going to happen with my mother and sister, to the whole hassle of the database swap at work.
20. Do you want kids?
Too late. ;-)
I actually only planned to adopt.
21. Do you keep a handwritten journal?
No. I get tired of writing, and can't think on paper as well as on the computer. When I'm on vacation, I usually have a journal to keep track of what I did on the trip. I still never get enough written down compared to what I'd like to write down.
22. Where would you rather be right now?
Bathtub. I'ts been an hour since I started this, what with interruptions and having the TV on.
23. What makes you feel warm and safe?
A throw on the couch, one of my dad's shirts, a fire in the fireplace, and a teddy bear. Except, in the summer, I just need the shirt and the teddy bear.
24. Heavy or light sleep?
Once I get to sleep, I'm generally out for the count. If I get wakened up at some point, though, I'm awake for hours.
25. Are you paranoid?
Is someone who IS paranoid going to say yes?
So, no.
26. Are you impatient?
Oh yeah! Big time. I'm learning. Very very very slowly. Too slowly.
27. Who can you relate to?
What does this mean? Is this different from getting along or likeing people? I guess when it comes right down to it, I relate to my oldest sister when it comes to my mom. I relate to Beast about a lot of stuff. And Jenny. I don't really relate to the question very well, though.
28. How do you feel about interracial couples?
Like, Martians and Venusians?
Please. Aren't we over this yet??? Who the hell cares how much melanin people have in their skin, or how their eyelids work, or how pointy their noses are.
29. Have you been burned by love?
Not really. I've a history of being the burner not the burnee.
30. Whats your life motto?
Patience. Trust. Faith.
31. What's your main ringtone on your mobile?
It's set to vibrate over 90% of the time. I can't actually remember what it's set on when it rings.
32. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Very asleep.
33. Who was your last text message from?
Uhm, it was probably 2 years ago...Beast?
34. Who's [sic] bed did you sleep in last night?
My own. All night.
35. What color shirt are you wearing?
Teal. The "official" summer reading shirt for this summer.
36. Most recent movie you watched?
When I got home from work, "Singin' in the Rain" was on TV. Poor Sparky: he turned and RAN downstairs.
37. Name five things you have on you at all times?
Wedding ring, engagement ring, anniversary ring, my glasses, and chapstick.
38. What color are your bed sheets?
We're on pale blue week this rotation.
39. How much cash do you have on you right now?
Not a dime. My wallet's in the car. Having said that, I probably have about $250 for grocery shopping.
40. What is your favorite part of a chicken?
41. What's your favorite town/city?
Big city: Denver.
Small town: Ouray.
42. I can't wait till...
...our anniversary trip next month.
43. Who got you to join LiveJournal?
I haven't. It's Amy's fault I'm a blogger, though.
44. What did you have for dinner last night?
Pop-tarts at 7 p.m. and I think I had a yogurt at about 5.
45. How tall are you barefoot?
5' 7-/2". I used to be 1/4" taller.
46. Have you ever smoked crack?
Are YOU on crack? Am I that dumb? How about NO.
47. Do you own a gun?
I think there's a super-soaker in the garage. Otherwise, no guns.
48. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Diet Dr. Pepper.
If I can't get that, I'll down a glass of OJ.
49. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
No clue. Probably ought to talk to a member of the opposite sex to find that out.
50. Do you have A.D.D.?
Some days I think I might. In seriousness, however, no. Just anxiety.
51. What time did you wake up today?
The alarm went off at 6, but I didn't manage to yank my head off the pillow till 6:20.
52. Current worry?
See #19.
In no particular order: Amy, my mom, my sister, Chris, Jenny, Linda, Cary and his family, Kate, the people in Iraq, my brother, my brother-in-law... need I continue?
53. Current hate?
People on cell phones whose brains disengage from reality as they chat about shit.
54. Favorite place to be?
In bed. Or in the bathtub.
55. Where would you like to travel? I'd like to spend some time in Arkansas & Missouri. I'd like to go back to Italy and see Spain. I'd love to see St. Petersburg and Moscow in the summer. I certainly wouldn't turn down a trip to South Africa and Kenya. Australia, Idaho, more of Canada than what I've seen.
Those are places I (mostly) haven't seen yet.
56. Where do you think you'll be in 10 yrs?
Dear Lord, in ten years, I'll be 52, Sparky will be (with luck) graduated from college, and...uh, I'll still be cataloging books, I hope.
57. Last thing you ate?
Dinner by Design cod with rice and veggies. Yummy.
58. What songs do you sing in the shower?
Hah. I work things through; it's kind of like awakened dreaming.
In 1995 and 1996, I cried a lot in the shower. You can always chalk up the red eyes afterwards to a shampoo accident.
59. Last person that made you laugh?
Sparky. Just because.
60. Worst injury you've ever had?
Does a ruptured fibroid tumor count?
Otherwise, probably the disaster with my left wrist at Christmas in 1994.
61. Does someone have a crush on you?
Not to my knowledge.
62. What is your favorite candy?
Smarties. Sourpatch kids.
Whew. This took me almost exactly 2 hours to finish. It's 10:15 as I type this. Time for a bath. Please excuse any typos. I'm done for the night.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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