Monday, June 15, 2015

Simple Woman's Daybook

(Link in meme-roll)

For Today...
June 14, 2015
Outside my window...
It's been cloudy and rainy all day today. I can't complain considering the drought out West, but I really would trade some humidity for higher temps and sunshine.
I am thinking...
I'm determinedly NOT thinking. I thought at work all day. Right now I'm trying to decompress from all of that.
I am thankful...
I'm thankful for not having to cook dinner tonight. I had a sandwich and a Blizzard from DQ.
I am wearing...
Tan khakis and Summer Reading shirt from 1990, today's work uniform. Oh, and small dingly-dangly earrings.
I am creating...
Hah! I'm just trying to get through the day. I did manage to do an hour's work of original cataloging this morning, a couple of Spanish books, a couple of gay erotica books, and some other random self-published stuff. Whee. That's my creativity for the day.
I am going...
I don't think I'm going anywhere anytime soon. :-(
I am wondering...
I wish I could remember what I did with the almost-full bottle of melatonin that I had on the table prior to moving all the furniture out for rehab last month. Between that and my mouthguard disappearing, I'm finding it hard to find a sleep rhythm.
I am reading...
  • Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography by Laura Ingalls Wilder
  • The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell
  • The Ice Queen by Nele Neuhaus
  • Back on Murder by J. Mark Bertrand
  • The Bible's Cutting Room Floor by Joel M. Hoffman
  • The Magician's Land by Lev Grossman
  • Jesus by James Martin
I am hoping...
I would really like to get my attitude completely adjusted at work. I'm hair-trigger angry about stuff. Today a kid head-butted me in the eye--accidentally--and I nearly ripped him a new one.
I am learning...
I learn something every day. And I just remembered I forgot to do something for someone at work...crap. I need to learn to stop distracting myself.
In my garden...
Beast and Sparky spent several hours Saturday rolling about 30 rolls of sod out over the "island" garden in our yard, where we've tried for 11 years to keep a proper perennial garden...and failed because we can't seem to keep up with it. So, the one surviving ground-cover shrub is now by the back garage door, the three hostas are by the back window, and the maple and large sticker bush are now surrounded by grass. Now I just need to call an arborist about the maple, since it's looking really sick. I have a bad feeling about it. So does Beast.
In my kitchen...
There is damned little "dinner-making" food around. We need to hit the grocery store Friday for sure. On the other hand, there's a lot of snacky/lunch food, and fruits and veggies.
A favorite quote for today...
"Even the strongest and bravest must sometimes weep. It shows they have a great heart, one that can feel compassion for others." --Brian Jacques (Redwall)
A peek into one of my days...
Let's pick Wednesday: up at 5:30, and out of the house by 6 for Bible Study at a local diner. That usually ends by 7:45ish, then I usually stop at the gas station that's right there for a fill-up. During the school year, I then head to my volunteer shelving "job" at the high school and do that till 10. I do get summers off, but usually end up backfilling doctor appointments and stuff on Wednesdays. Anyway, after I'm done at school, I head home, shower, eat lunch, chill for a few minutes, and then head to work, arriving by noon. I work, usually till 5, have dinner, work the rest of my hours, and head home around 9:15. By 10, I've changed into pajamas and started trying to wind down. Long day.
torre del borgo 1One of my favorite things...
I love my laptop.
Post Script
I love this library. I wonder if they'd hire me.

1 sweet-talkers :

Jodi said...

I could go for a Blizzard from DQ right now! That is a cool looking library! Have a great week!

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