Monday, November 10, 2014

Friday 5 (very late)

(Link in meme-roll)
Non Sequitur
  1. What’s your sneeze like?
    Loud, a little splattery if I don't catch it in time.
  2. How’ve you been sleeping lately?
    Better than a couple of months ago. I still wake up in the middle of the night almost every night, but on either side of that, I'm sleeping instead of dozing.
  3. What was your last stroll like?
    I can't remember my last stroll. I don't very often stroll.
  4. What was the last thing you watched on YouTube (feel free to share the link!)?
    It was something lame-o and geeky my son posted on Facebook. I'm not sharing.
  5. When did you last get something in right at the deadline?
    That's my usual MO, actually. I don't very often have those kinds of deadlines.

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