Saturday, August 23, 2014

Patrick's Place

(Link in meme-roll)
Saturday Six

1. What was your strongest subject in high school?
I was that kid who did well in any academic class, as well as music. Probably would have aced graphic arts too, though not art and PE was spotty. I enjoyed almost every class I took, too. Yeah...that kid. I ended up graduating with the equivalent of a year of college Spanish under my belt because I did independent study for 2 out of 3 years in high school. This is why I can read and understand Spanish, but can't comfortably speak it.
2. Which subject gave you the most trouble in high school?
I didn't include math in the previous answer because I struggled through geometry sophomore year and then quit. I really hated geometry--how stupid to have to prove things that are already proven. (I know, I know, I get it, but I didn't CARE about it, so it went right over my head.) I think I ended up with a just-barely B in that class, which was another reason to quit, thus ensuring I got towards the top of the class by senior year. Yeah, I wish I'd planned it...hah!
3. Which sports, clubs or school activities did you participate in during your high school years?
I was in band--we had an award-winning marching band that went to Pasadena for the Rose Parade my sophomore year--and wind ensemble, played in the pit orchestra for two musicals, and did some other extremely random stuff that I'm not going into here. Oh, and Honor Society.
4. Which song was the theme for your senior prom?
I have no idea; I suppose I could go get my yearbooks and see, but I never went to prom. And before you think a pity-party is in order, that was and is just fine with me.
5. Were you nominated as a “Senior Most Likely to…” do something, and if so, what was it?
We didn't do that at my school. I probably would have been "most likely to become a librarian" though, even if I didn't have that intention at the time.
6. What percentage of the people you graduated with have you had contact with in the last year?
Less than 10%. There were 298 people in my class (why do I remember that sort of thing??), and I'm friends with 31 people affiliated with my high school on Facebook. However, that list includes my brother, my sister, a couple of teachers, and several people who weren't in my graduating class. About half the people who are Facebook friends and co-grads are actually blocked from seeing almost everything I post on Facebook, however. I mean, why would Miss Popularity friend me--she was a right bitch when we were in school. Then again, one of the guys I had a huge crush on is friends with me--I couldn't talk to him in high school at all! He's now a body-builder, which is freakin' horrifying!

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