Friday, August 20, 2010

RevGals Friday 5

(Link in meme-roll)

1. What things do you like to hang on to?
I keep an awful lot of paper: letters, announcements, photos, newspaper clippings, etc. Digitizing my life would make it much less cluttered, but also really dull.
2. What is hard to let go of?
I have a hard time unloading clothes that I love that still fit me, even when they are years (in some cases, decades) old.
3. What is easy to give away?
Clothes that don't fit me, unused stuff (small appliances, furniture, etc.), knick-knacks that don't work for me, books I've read and don't ever want to read again. In most areas, I am perfectly happy to unload extraneous stuff.
4. Is there any kind of stumbling block connected with cleaning out?
I tend to want to look through things "one last time" when I'm doing the tidying up. I suck at "pick up, decide, move on" in a lot of cases.
5. What do you like to collect, hoard, or admire?
I have a de facto collection of S&Ps that is growing like Topsy. Really should make some decisions about how to display them all one of these days.
Bonus: Tell us about recycling or whatever you can think of that goes along with this muttering about cluttering.
Once a month or so Ann, the Purple Heart lady, calls. About every third month I tell her I've got some stuff, and gather it all together, usually a few plastic grocery bags full of clothes or household things.

And, of course, we recycle as much as we can: paper, plastic, metal. If I could get organized, I wouldn't mind having a compost for the kitchen waste, and I would love for Beast to stop subscribing to the paper. HUGE waste of paper when he can read it online.

6 sweet-talkers :

altar ego said...

Nice play. How do you get that vertical line alongside your answers?

angela said...

What is S&P? Salt and Pepper?

It is a very good feeling to give things and clothes away. I'd love someone to give me a call and remind me once in a while.

Elaine (aka...Purple) said...

Just the thought of digitizing the volume of letters, photos, etc etc I have is mind-boggling. Perhaps in small increments for me.

Terri said...

I agree about newspapers - and in principle I do that - but in reality it just means I never read them. I was much better when the paper was there in hard copy form. sigh....

Cat. said...

altar ego: it's the coding for "blockquote." I think it has something to do with this CSS coding: {display: block;} But I didn't write the code for the blog, so I dunno really. How unhelpful can I be? :-)

angela: yes, salt & peppers.

purple: Indeedy. Makes me want to weep.

mompriest: But now there's none of that ink-on-the-fingers stuff! I used to deliver newspapers; it took the bloom right off that rose right quick.

amy said...

I had a secondary storage idea for the collection, allowing for rotation. It would also require us to go to a Closet store. Those places aren't too dangerous for us, are they? ;)

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