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The Ginormous Meme
[if this is 'ginormous' what does that make the 1000 question meme I did awhile back?]
1. Are you single? Great. Start with a metaphysical question. I am single in that sense. In the Real World meaning of this question, I'm married. Very.
2. Are your parents still married? Well, they've never divorced, and they are becoming less-separated by the moment.
3. Are you in love? Sometimes.
4. Do you believe in love at first sight? Y'know, I don't. Not in the romantic sense. I believe in lust, and in knowing immediately that this is a person you want to be around for a myriad of reasons. Is that love? Maybe. But not in the traditional sense.
5. Who ended your last relationship? Oh, hell, I dunno. I guess he did--he changed schools and moved a couple of hundred miles away. Unless we're talking friendship, in which case that was probably me.
6. Have you ever been hurt by a break up? Well, duh. Yes.
7. Have you ever broken someone’s heart? Prolly. Not something I'm proud of. My mom used to always use the phrase, "It breaks my heart [to see/hear/watch/know/etc]..." so I'm sure I was the object of that sentence a few times.
8. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Dunno. If so, s/he was very good at the 'secret' part.
9. Prefer love or lust? Nice! No, I didn't read ahead. I prefer love.
10. Prefer a few best friends or many regular friends? The former. I think, having worked through this question last night somewhere--here? in a prior meme?--I have a lot of regular friends, but not many I feel like I can depend on.
11. Wild night out or romantic night in? ....boooothhhhh?
12. Back in the day: Been caught sneaking out? Never did it.
13. Ever wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? Again: well, duh. Yes. That may well be the definition of being alive.
14. Who are/is your best friend(s)? The usual triad: Beast, Amy, Jenny.
15. Ever wanted to disappear? Fuck yeah. Like, many moments in high school!
16. First attraction: Smile or eyes? 100% smile.
17. Prefer intelligence or attraction? There is no attraction for me without intelligence. Sorry. Even in animals and small children.... 'Course, it depends on your definition of 'intelligence' doesn't it? There are some people for whom the word "intelligent" wouldn't normally be used whom I find lovely to be around because they are "smart" differently.
18. Last phone call you received? Sparky called me at work yesterday. Before that, my sister calling with more bad news on Friday.
19. Last thing you drank? Just took a swig of DDP.
20. Before your current one, when was your last relationship? I fuckin' hate this question. I have thousands of relationships ongoing! And, if we are limiting it to romantic relationships...dude, I've been happily married for almost 23 years. P L O C K!
21. Do you and your family get along? The ones in my house, yes. The ones outside my house...sometimes. I'm sure they think we get along fine, aside from the "you never write, you never call" schtick. They wouldn't all be wrong.
22. Would you say you have a "screwed up life"? No.
23. Have you ever gotten kicked out somewhere? If yes, do tell. I wasn't allowed in a bar in Milwaukee--home of HD--once because Beast and I were wearing black leather Harley jackets. I was incensed at the time. Now it's just funny as hell.
24. Do you trust all your friends? See #10. I trust that my read of our relationship is accurate, and have rarely been proven wrong. Some of the people I know, who consider themselves friends, I can trust to be completely unhelpful in the nitty-gritty of life.
25. Who knows the most about you? God. [and Beast]
Sunday night
5 years ago
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