Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Groups and gangs

(found here)

Do you wear black eyeliner? Nope. Never have.
How much black clothing do you own? Not that much.
Do you think about death often? Not if it's not right in front of me.
Do you want to die? Not in the immediate future.
Are you a social outcast? Depends on which society we are discussing.
Are you pale? Yes, though also freckly.
Do you cut? No only veggies and other foodstuffs.
Do you like Hot Topic? It amuses me.

--Skater Punk--
Can you skateboard? No, but I can be entertaining on a skateboard.
How often do you go into Pac Sun? Never. I'm not even sure I've ever seen one around here.
What's your sneaker brand? "On Sale"
Do you do stupid stuff with your friends? Well, derr!!
Are the long skater cuts hott? I never. Ever. Use the word 'hott.'
How much do you get in trouble? Often enough to not enjoy it much.
Do you listen to the bands who are considered "posers"? I'm not sure how I would know how to differentiate. I suspect my "poser" would b everyone else's Best New Thing.
How many piercings do you have? Two.

How often do you say the word "like"? Every day, all day, and even sometimes, like, appropriately!
Do you shop at Abercrombie and Fitch? Never.
Are the A&F models hott? Gaaaahhhhh, plock!
How many purses do you own? There may be one real purse around here somewhere....
Is lipgloss a must? Chapstick works fine.
How often do you wear makeup? Nevah.
Ever had a manicure? Yes.
Rock music is bad, right? Bad for whom?
Are you ever ditzy? Chronically...
Do you own high heels? Of course.
Have you ever said "Oh my gosh"? Of course.
Are you a cheerleader? Are you a crackhead?

Is your hair long? Medium.
Are you a vegetarian? Hardly!
Do you own a tye dye shirt? I used to, but they are all too small for me now.
Do you want peace? Depends on the terms.
Do you want to save the animals? Sure, within reason.
What do you think about the war? This current one is ridiculous.
Have you ever made a peace sign with your two fingers? Well, yeah. I am that old, you know.

Are you from the ghetto? In absolutely NO definition of that word.
Do you own "bling bling"? We WASPS don't do bling, or even bling-bling.
What do you think about do-rags? I never get them tied right, so no, but I don't have a personal issue with them in general.
Do you like rap? It's far from my favorite.
How about hip-hop? OMG--there's a difference?? heh I guess I like it a little better than rap, but not by much.
Was Tupac truly the greatest rapper in the world? I have no idea. I'm not sure I ever actually heard him perform.
What do you think about afros? Hello, my childhood friends.
Have you ever said 'fo shizzle'? No--I start giggling before I finish.
How about 'oh, snap son'? I've said, "Oh snap!" Does that count.

Is life a party? It has it's (infrequent) moments...
How often do you get drunk? I haven't been blotto in years. I probably have a drink or two about every 3 weeks or so.
What's the point of getting drunk anyway? Memory loss? Anesthesia?
Do you care about your grades? Uh, no grades. I used to care, when I was being graded.
Do you need attitude adjustment? Yes. Maybe add this to the 'reasons for drinking'....
How far have you been? Halfway around the world. [Amy is now ROARING!!]

How often do you cry? Less often than I used to...somehow.
Do you have an ex? Well, yuh...!
Do you have an acoustic guitar? Sparky does. I don't.
Are you emotional? Yes.
Do you like soft music? At times.
Do people understand you? Mostly.
Do you write your own songs? Nope. Nor (much) poetry.
Is your hair dyed dark? Define 'dark', but I would say no.

Do you play any sports? Not anymore.
How important are they to you? Sports? I like football. Some NASCAR That's it.
How important is your reputation? I'm pretty much over caring about it.
Do you pick on the geeky kids? No. I pick on jerks.
What do you think about football?
Are you considered a bully by anyone? Probably.

Do you wear glasses? Yes.
Do you get good grades? I did.
Are you smart? Yes. (Like I'm going to say I'm not?)
Do you use an inhaler? I used to. Not needed anymore.
Do you stick pens and calculators into your shirt pockets? Stupid place to carry them, and I rarely where the right kinds of shirts.
Does your mom buy your clothes? God NO! I stopped letting her do that as soon as possible!
How often are you on the computer? At least 8 hours a day.
Do you get picked on? I used to. I'm over that, though. ha ha ha

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