(from Allison)
Do you use big words? Absoposilutely.
Favorite number? 16
Name a lyric from the song you're listening to? I'm listening to the soundtrack from CSI: Miami on TV...hence no lyrics, just dialogue.
Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? Only very briefly.
Do you start the water before you get in the shower or when you get in? Before: I'm not a fan of the cold shower.
Have you ever brushed your teeth while in the shower? Yes. Not at home, but on the occasional non-traditional vacation.
Have you ever had stitches? Yes, I have. In two separate locations even, I think.
How long ago did you hug someone? About an hour ago when Sparky went up to bed.
Do you like the Red Sox or Yankees? I could not possibly care less about either of these teams.
Have you ever had an oreo with peanut butter on it? Ugh. Pass, thanks.
Are you more of a coffee or tea drinker? I never drink coffee. I'm usually too lazy to make tea.
Do you dream in black and white? Usually in color.
Do you talk in your sleep? Yes, when I'm very tired, or stressed.
Last time you had butterflies in your stomach? Dunno.
Can you recite the alphabet backwards? I can sing it backwards.
How do you feel about life right now? Fuckin' great.
Would you ever get someones name tattooed on you? Maybe Sparky's.
Do you feel guilty? Quite often. I am after all a Protestant.
Your current job status? Part-time.
What is your current mood? Tired. I know that's a physical state, but I'm tired-moody, too. As in sick-and-tired, both literally and metaphorically.
What color shirt are you wearing? Dark gray striped with white.
Who has the ability to hurt you most? Loads of people hurt my feelings, not so many hurt me physically...though they could. In the regular course of life, I'm hardest on myself. In the big world, George Bush, et al.
If you could go back in time and change something, would you? Some things, yes.
Ever had a near death experience? Not exactly.
Something you do a lot? Bitch and moan.
Do you have a fondness for gnomes? Uh...no?
When was the last time you cried? Fuckin' today, feeling sorry for myself. It wasn't much crying and it didn't help.
What is one thing that annoys you on TV? Why are the shittiest commercials so DAMN LOUD!?!
Do you still like kiddie movies? Meh.
What are you eating or drinking at the moment? Diet Dr. Pepper.
Do you speak any other language? Other than...? OK, yes, I speak some Spanish and can read smatterings of French, Italian, German, Russian and Greek. The last two are VERY slow going, though.
What's your favorite smell? "Clean."
Describe your life in one word. Lately, that would would be "FUCK!"
Have any tattoos? Just scars.
What is your natural hair color? Brown. Too tired to explain further.
What is the holiday closest to your b-day? Veteran's Day. I do think that has colored my life a bit.
What is your dream car? Jeep Cherokee.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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