Saturday, March 8, 2008

111 - 115

(from here)


State the top eight on your myspace and answer the questions (since I don't use MySpace, I'm going to use list friends off the top of my head and from Facebook)
1. Beast
2. Jenny
3. Amy
4. Jon
5. Trudie
6. Marla
7. Martha
8. Kelly

1. Is number 6 your best friend? Yes.

2. Are you in love with number 2? I love her to death, but I don't think we're 'in love.'

3. Have you ever lied to number 4? Oh, fuck yeah!

4. Do you know a secret about number 7? Hmm, I don't think so.

5. Describe the relationship between number 8 and number 5. They both share similar careers, but in terms of personality they couldn't be more different. Don't think they've ever met, though.

6. What is the best thing about number 3? She is an awesome listener and empathizer (?is that a word?) while also managing to be totally insane.

7. What is the worst thing about number 1? He doesn't handle change well.

8. When was the last time you saw number 5? Wednesday?

9. Describe the relationship between number 1 and number 3? They get along fine. Thank God! :-)

10. Have you ever danced with number 7? Uh, no.

11. How long have you known number 4? About a month longer than I've known Beast. He was in my first semester Freshman 8:00 class.

12. Have number 2 and number 7 ever dated? I'm pretty sure they've never met.

13. Have you ever done drugs with number 1? I've gotten drunk with him, and we both take meds regularly.

14. Have you ever been in a fight with number 8? Nope.

16. Does number 6 have a boyfriend/girlfriend? She's married with two young children.

17. Have you ever been a co-worker with number 3? ... not ... exactly ....

18. Have you ever wanted to punch number 2 in the face? No. Not once, which is pretty damn amazing for 25 years!

19. Has number 1 ever met your mother? It would be quite weird if he had not: he's my husband!

21. How did you meet number 6? Her husband and mine were playing softball in the local church league before Marla & T. were technically members of our church. Mar & I played with her dog and talked.

22. Did you ever accidentally physically hurt number 5? Not to my knowledge, except perhaps a paper cut.

23. Has 2 ever seen you naked? Possibly while changing clothes at some point.

25.What is the best memory you have with number 1? Too many to pick one.

26. What is one of number 4's best qualities? Hyper-positivism.

27. Do you live close to 7? Within about 10 miles, yes.

28. What is number 2's favorite food? She's pretty easygoing, but (inside joke) I think I'll go with cheese.

29. Out of your top 8, which one would you say is the funniest? Unintentionally: Jon. Intentionally: Beast, or Amy. They have similar senses of humor.

30. Who is the most flirtatious? TOTALLY Amy!!

31. What do you think of number 6? She is a deeply caring and thoughtful person with the energy of a million small rodents.

32. How long have you known number 5 for? I think I first met her about 14 years ago. We've probably only been friends for the past 10 or so years.

33. Which one of your top 8 friends drinks the most or goes out? Jon probably drinks the most. Amy probably goes out most, but only because the rest of them basically don't.

34. Which one of your top 8 friends is the best dresser? Marla. Or Amy.

35. If you could change one thing about number 7, what would it be? I wish she'd be less disorganized with her stuff.

36. Say something nice about number 1. He never stops trying to improve on the basics.

37. Which one of your top 8 friends lives the farthest away from you? Kelly, I think. Or maybe Jenny.

38. Which one of your top 8 friends do you hang out with the most? In order: Beast, Martha, Trudie, Amy, Kelly, Marla, Jon, Jenny.

39. Out of your top 8 friends, who is the loudest? Beast.

40. The quietest? Martha...or Jenny.

41. What is one quality about number 7 that you admire? She retains EVERYthing in her head, and can usually find it quickly.

42. What kind of car does number 4 have? Last I knew it was a Ford Expedition, but I haven't seen it for awhile.

43. What is your fondest memory of number 8? Her description of a meeting at which she was grilled about the behavior of several people (including me) in front of a bunch of muckety-mucks. My repeated reaction: "This woman's got BALLS!"

44. Have you traveled anywhere with number 2? Not anywhere very far.

45. If you gave number 4 $100 dollars tonight, what would they spend it on? Booze, books, his business....

46. What is number 5's best quality? Energy and responsibility.

47. Would you kiss number 1? I would, and do.

48. How did you meet number 7? By asking her a question while she was working, probably. I don't really remember.

49. If you had to buy number 5 a gift, what would you choose to give him/her? A bonsai. Or another animal (pet), but her husband might kill me then. ;-)

50. Does number 2 drink? Yes, but not often.

51. Describe number 8 in two words: Motivated and artistic.

52. How many of your top 8 friends have you actually met? I only included people I met on the list.


1) Who is it that you love? Family and friends, and all little babies (unless and until they stink or start screaming).

2) Who is the last 5 people to text you? fleeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

3) How many people have you kissed this month? I've kissed at least three individually. I don't remember who the third was (the first two are Sparky and Beast of course), but she had soft skin on her cheek.

4) Have you liked a lot of people in your lifetime? grr-woooffff!!

5) How do you feel on [about?] second chances? In my case, they are usually the last chance I give. I tend to keep that thought in mind when I'm given another chance.

6) Is there anything that's annoying you right now? My G-I tract is acting goofy still.

7) Would you like to change an old friend or previous boyfriend/girlfriend? Huh? I'd probably go for changing a former friend, but then again...why bother?

8) Did your last boyfriend/girlfriend break your heart? Nope.

9) Name something that can scare you? Tornado warnings and something unexpected touching me.

10) How do you feel on drinking? When done to excess, it's not pretty. However, the occasional drink (i.e., one or less per day) is probably better than not drinking at all. Unless, naturally, you're an alcoholic.

11) Have you ever been used for something? Yes.

12) Have you used anyone? Yes.

13) Name one thing that you would do, if you could? In my own life, be more honest more regularly. In the world, it would be nice to figure out the whole AIDS thing.

14) Remember the first time you were with your first love or crush: Uh...that's too long to remember, and it amounted to nothing, really. (Or I guess I'd remember it!)

15) In life, what [has been] the reason for most of your tears? Being stupid, mostly my own stupidity.

16) Who is the best person to cuddle with? Beast. Sparky's got cuddling potential, though--he was WONDERFUL at cuddling when he was a baby. ;-)

17) Do you dress to impress? FUCKME--absolutely NOT!

18) What are you not looking forward to tommorow? Not much of any real interest.

19) Have you ever felt akward after kissing someone? Uh, yeah, welcome to adolescence.

20) Have you ever talked to a boyfriend about a previous ex-boyfriend? The subject has come up, yes.

21) Do you miss any old friends? Yes.

22) Would you ever date anyone younger than you? I married someone younger, slightly. I see no problem, at this point in my life especially, in being overly picky. Assuming I was dating. Which I'm not.

23) What helps you relax the most? Sleep.

24) Are you happy with where you're at in life? Yes.

25) Tell the person you like how you feel? Uh...seems reasonable.

26) Is the opposite sex really confusing? Not always, but sometimes.

27) How do you feel towards the person you last kissed? I love him.

28) What did you spend the last year doing? Breathing...etc.

29) You walk by the person you last fell the hardest for, what do you do? ...I would be hard pressed to recognize him.

30) What made you smile today? Sparky. Beast. And clean bathrooms.

31) Could you go on knowing someone didn't really love you? Depends on who we're talking about.


1. Smiling right now? Yeah.

2. Did you ever date the last person you kissed? I married him.

3. What's irritating you right now? Nothing. (woo hoo!)

4. When did you last eat pizza? Last weekend?

5. Do you drink beer? Eeeechhhhhhhhh--no!

6. What do you want? Spring!

7. Do you have any television obsessions? CSI. And Survivor.

8. Last spoken words you heard? TV: "Yeah, I understand that." Live: "We were talking about poop."

9. When was the last time you cried? This afternoon, watching part of the Brett Favre interview from this last week.

10. Is your sister a slut? Uh, that would be a big nyet.

11. Pepsi or Coke? Dr. Pepper. Otherwise I don't care, as long as it's diet.

12. What is your favorite sport? Football.

13. Do you enjoy piercings and tattoos? I don't particularly care for overuse of either.

14. Do you enjoy Taco Bell or McDonald's? Taco Bell, more.

15. Are you restless? Not right now. Give me a few minutes, though. ;-)

16. Is your computer a laptop? Yes, this one is.

17. What is your favorite color? Blue.

18. What color is your hair? Whatever Sh@ntell decided to put in last week.

19. Last inbox text message? fleeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

20. Your response? fleeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

21. Do you like anyone right now? Yes. Yes. Yes. YESYESYES.

22. Who is in the room with you? Sparky and Beast.

23. What are you wearing on your feet? White sox and a blanket.

24. What are your favorite pairs of shoes? Either my Poptarts or sneakers.

25. Who was the last person to say I love you? Probably me.

26. What was the last thing you ate? Cinnamon rolls.

27. What is the closest item near you that is blue? My sparkly star blue-knit sox.

28. What instant messaging service do you use? Meebo (I have accounts with Gmail and Yahoo, too).

29. Who was at your house last? Besides us? I have no idea. The mail carrier, probably.

30. Which do you wear more, jeans or sweatpants? Jeans.

31. What is the last movie you watched? Terminator.

32. What do you currently hear right now? The end of last week's Survivor (Tribal Council).

33. Is it on the radio or computer? TV...technically, on tape.

34. Where is your mom? In her room, probably.

35. Where was your default picture taken? Whatever...

36. Are you texting someone? NO! FUCK! SHUDDUP!

37. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Yes.

38. Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you? There would have to be some pretty major extenuating circs.

39. Do you own something tie dyed? No. Somehow I have missed out on that for 40-plus years. Oh, wait, shit: I do have a's just dark green and black so I never remember it.

40. Did you hurt yourself today? No. Was I supposed to?

41. Do you want someone you can't have? Not anyone in particular.

42. Who makes you smile the most? Lots of people make me smile.


1. Do you have to really know someone to kiss them? On the lips, yes.

2. How long has it been since you last liked somebody? I'm still likin' lots of people.

3. Who was the last person to compliment you? Well, it sure as FUCK wasn't Sparky! Probably Beast.

4. Does anything rhyme with your last name? Yes. And we're moving on....

5. What is your favorite thing to order from Coldstone? Having never been there, I can't be sure, but I'd bet I'd like their butterscotch malts.

6. Is anything stuck in your head? My brain?

7. What's all you did today? Called my niece & nephew, talked to my oldest sister on the phone, updated the calendar in the kitchen with meetings scheduled recently, talked to Sparky about grades/driver's licensing, tidied up the kitchen, consulted with Beast on the kitchen project-to-come, cleaned the powder room and our bathroom, went to Sam's Club with Sparky, picked up his new glasses, tidied up the spare room, Swiffered our room and bath.... Whew.

8. Do you oftently [sic] use the word "slut"? I love that word: "oftently"!! WOW. No, I rarely use that word, unless it is the only appropriate term, being slightly less denigrating than "whore." Which I also use rarely.

9. Have you ever tried training a dog? Tried and, mostly, succeeded.

10. Who is the most physically attractive person on this planet? Depends on your taste. I'm sorta partial to Brad Pitt, Brett Favre and James Clement. I just realized, all of those guys are Southerners. WTF?!

11. Do you regret anything you've done in the past 24 hours? Actually, I only regret not doing some things I should have done today.

12. Did you talk to anybody random today? The checker at Sam's had an awesome ring on. Otherwise, my conversations were not random.

13. What will you be doing in 24 hours? Returning home from another fun-filled evening of youth fellowship, a.k.a. Youth Sunday rehearsal.

14. Do you have HDTV? Nope.

15. Where did you get your favorite pair of sunglasses? I have clip-ons that came with my glasses, purchased at Pearle Vision.

16. What was the last thing you dressed up as for Halloween? {shrug} no idea....

17. What is your current relationship status? Married.

18. Write a brief statement saying anything you want to an annonymous person: Pull your head outta your butt!

19. Is anything currently frustrating you? No hay nada. Estoy bien ahora.

20. How do you deal with your haters? No one hates me. I'm beloved by everyone who matters.

21. Are the best things in life free? The cynical side of me says there's a price for everything.

22. Are your parents proud of your recent behavior? I've reached the point when I no longer live my life to please my parents. I do hope that Dad isn't too annoyed with me wearing one of his comfy shirts today....

23. Would you ever have a threesome with your friend and their bf/bf? Uh, eeuw? No.

24. Why do you like the person you like? I jes' do.

25. Do you know all the colors in the rainbow? ROYGBIV, baby! Yep.

26. Are your shoes untied? The ones I took off earlier this afternoon are.

27. Who would you really like to become better friends with? I'm good, thanks. If pressed, perhaps Peggy.

28. Have you ever written a poem? Yes. Not recently. Not in the past decade, in fact. Oh, damn, Poetry Month is less than 30 days away!!

29. Who was in your car yesterday? Just me.

30. Do you have a calender in your room? There's a lighthouse one in our bedroom, a British one in the kitchen, and assorted magnetized ones on the fridge.

31. Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette? Yeah. THAT is an easy one!

32. Do you personally know anyone who has more than five tattoos? No one that I know of, certainly no one I know well.

33. Do you prefer Jamba Juice or Starbucks? I prefer mini-marts that stock liter bottles of Diet DP.

34. What is your fondest high school memory? Rose Parade.

35. Do you have trouble believing in yourself? Yes. At times.

36. Describe the outfit you are wearing: Red, beige and white flannel shirt that's worn thin and cut off at the elbows, ratty old Lee blue jeans, white sox.

37. What is the most romantic thing you've done for someone? Married him.

38. Is anybody jealous of you? I'm not sure I'd be aware of it, would I? Do people actually inform others when they are jealous? I don't.

39. Do you use the internet daily? HELLA yeah!

40. Could you imagine your life without your best friend? I can, I frequently do, and then I redirect.

41. Name something you dislike about the day you're having? I didn't get the list finished.

42. Who was the last person to make you cry? Brett.

43. Do you like change? Usually, yes. Change tends to energize me.

44. What is your favorite snack? Sweets, but not chocolate particularly.

45. Do your boyfriends/girlfriends usually meet your parents? In high school, yes. In college, no, except Beast.

46. You need a new outfit, where do you go first? For what? Work? Home? Wedding? Funeral? Depends entirely. I do need a few different clothes for this summer's ALA thing--I'll probably hit Kohl's to start. Maybe Old Navy. We'll see.


1) Who is the last person you had one of "those" kinds of dreams about? I had a weird one this week...and it was about Beast...but it was REALLY weird.

2) What kind of sense of humor do you have? Goofy, punny, and occasionally quite mad. (as in insane, not angry)

3) What was your last phone conversation about? I talked to my oldest sister today about her visit with my other sister. It was not a wonderful conversation from any vantage point.

4) Do you watch Spongebob? I don't seek it out, but I don't mind watching it if Sparky is.

5) What was your grade point average in high school? It was just under 4.0--along with 6 other people's in my class.

6) Where were you when you last did anything sexual? Define "sexual."

7) Would you ever do anything with someone who was just a friend? I'm assuming this means "anything sex-related" and the answer is not-bloody-likely seeing as how I'm married, unless you mean with my husband who is also my friend.

8) What is one of your favorite movie quotes? "What is your damage, Heather??"

9) What song do you have stuck in your head right now? I don't, really.

11) Do you usually tell people when they hurt your feelings? Not in so many words. I suspect they know, however. Except my idiot brother.

12) How would your friends describe you? Wilfull.

13) Are you a good lover? Beast will have to take this one, and he's busy right now.

14) Would you kiss a really ugly person for $10,000? Define "ugly." And on the cheek, sure.

15) Have you ever been on the radio? I was on the radio at least weekly for four years.

16) What are you nervous about? I rarely get nervous. I tend toward anxiety instead.

17) What are you doing tonight? By the time I get this finished, I hope I'll be ready for sleep!

18) When is the last time you wanted to hit someone in their face? For real? Never. Metaphorically: yesterday at work.

19) How many hours of sleep did you get last night? 10-plus. I didn't get up until 9:30.

20) Are you capable of murder? I could kill, given the right impetus. I'm not sure it would be considered murder, though. Probably self-defense or manslaughter.

21) Are you pro life or pro choice? Pro-choice.

22) What is the last thing you spent money on? Culver's. My widdle baby-boy was STAWVING! ;-)

23) When is the last time it snowed where you live? Snow was flying about today. News? Not.

24) Do you smoke cigarettes? Nope. Hence the ease with which I could get through the rest of my life without smoking, noted above.

25) When is the last time you exercised? I ran up and down stairs a lot today; does that count?

28) Do your intials spell out a word? My initials are a very interesting job-related acronym.

29) How many letters does your name have in it? 21.

30) Do you have younger siblings that get on your nerves? My oldest nieces used to annoy me once in awhile. Otherwise, there was no one near my age.

31) If you had to change your hair color what would you change it to? I'm holding out at this point for gray. The pretty white/gray.

32) When is the last time you talked to an ex? I ran into a guy that...well, we weren't dating exactly, just doing a lot of date-activity stuff...anyway, at our 20th college reunion a few years ago.

33) What song is playing? No music.

34) Do you curse a lot? Sometimes.

35) Are any of your friends musicians? Yes. And two relatives.

36) What color are your shoes? The last ones I was wear were white sneakers.

37) Do you think people get annoyed that you fill out surveys? Don't care. Beast might get annoyed sometimes with the amount of time it takes, and he's the only one whose opinion matters.

38) Do you think anyone really reads the surveys you fill out? I have evidence that at least one person does, sometimes. Otherwise...I have no idea.

39) How many friends do you have on myspace? The last time I checked--months ago--I think I had 4.

40) If your friend count goes down, do you try to figure out who deleted you? Obviously, not.

41) What scent are you wearing right now? Eau de Swiffer. (the wet kind)

42) Whats going on tomorrow? Church. More cleaning. More phone calling.

43) Do you text a lot? No @(#)@$# texts!!

44) Are you looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend? No, I'm good. Thanks.

45) Does anyone have a crush on you? Good God, I fucking hope NOT!

46) What was your last recieved text? fleeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

47) Who's your last missed call? No idea.

48) What time is it? 8:59 according to the computer.

49) What's tomorrow? Sunday.

50) Where was the last place you went? Sam's Club. Unless you mean inside the house, and I think that was the kitchen. Or upstairs.

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