Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Yup, there's MORE

(from here)

8:53 p.m.
Name: Cat.
Nickname: That is a nickname
Birthday: 44 1/6 years ago
Birthplace: Denver, CO
Current mood: Desperately in need of sugar!!
Current music: I'm watching Dirty Jobs on TV
Current taste: Dr. Pepper
Current hair: I've been re-pinning all evening without a mirror, so I'm sure it's a nightmare
Current clothes: Rayon leopard-print loungey-pants, and a gray mock turtleneck. And blue slippers. Fashion is my life, dahling.
Current annoyance: I want a cookie!!
Current smell: Pine candles leftover from Christmas
Current thing I ought to be doing: Taking a bath and going to bed
Current desktop picture: Same one it was the other day.
Current favorite band: Still U2
Current book: I've got 5 1/2 going right now....
Current CD in stereo: The only CD is a book, in the truck
Current crush: The usual
Current favorite celeb: none
Smoke? No
Do drugs? Only legal ones, two each day.
Have sex? Do I? Have I? Will I? WTF...pun intended.
Give oral sex? See previous answer.
Receive oral sex? Ditto
Have a dream that keeps coming back? Yes, but it's been in abeyance for quite awhile.
Remember your first real love? Yup
Still love him/her? Yes
Read the newspaper? VERY rarely
Have any gay or lesbian friends? Probably
Believe in miracles? Yup
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? Yes
Consider yourself tolerant of others? To the best of my ability
Consider love a mistake? Never!
Like the taste of alcohol? I like the stuff that's mixed WITH the alcohol.
Have a favorite candy? Smarties
Believe in astrology? Not a whit
Believe in magic? Only the Vegas stage slight-of-hand type.
Believe in God? Yep
Have any pets: Yep
Got to or plan to go to college? Yep for 5.5 years.
Have any piercings? Earlobes
Have any tattoos? Nope
Hate yourself: I have my moments
Have an obsession? Blogger
Have a secret crush? No
Do they know yet? N/A
Have a best friend? Yes, but it does seem to me that everyone must have one...mustn't they?
Wish on stars? Rarely
Care about looks? Well, they are important, but they aren't the only thing.

Love life
First crush: Chris
First kiss: Ron
Single or taken? Taken
Ever been in love? Yes, still.
Do you believe in love at first sight? Not for myself, no
Describe your ideal significant other: Beast

=Juicy stuff=
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing? Yup
Have you ever been intoxicated? Yes
Favorite place to be kissed? I'm not fussy... ;-)
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": ...er...sorta....
Are you a tease? No
Shy to make the first move? Usually

Word association
Rubber: Condom
Rock: Paper, Scissors
Green: Grass
Wet: Bar
Cry: Weep
Peanut: Shells
Hay: is for Horses
Cold: Weather
Steamy: Sauna
Freaky: Deaky
Rain: Umbrella
Bite: Chew
Fuck: Damn!
Blow: Coke

Hair: Shoulder length, auburn, messy right now
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5'8" (almost)

Bought: Lunch at Taco Bell
Ate & Drank: Cookie and Dr. Pepper
Read: stuff on the computer

club or houseparty: House party
beer or cider: (Apple) Cider
drinks or shots: Depends
cats or dogs: Guinea pigs
single or taken: ...still taken...
pen or pencil: Pencil at work
gloves or mittens: I have a set of hunters' gloves, with flipover mittens; they're great!
food or candy: I'm easy
cassette or cd: Sorta depends on what's ON the media, not the format.

Dated one of your best friends? Yes
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? Every once in awhile, it's unavoidable.
Drank alcohol? Yes
Done drugs? Not illegally
Broken the law? Yes
Run away from home? Not long-term, unless you count my departure for college.
Broken a bone? Unconfirmed
Played Truth Or Dare? Not since Madonna changed the rules....
Kissed someone you didn't know? Thank God for good friends who prevent you from doing stupid things.
Been in a fight? Yes
Come close to dying? Not really
The most embarrassing CD in your collection? Backstreet Boys (though technically, it's Sparky's CD)
What is your bedroom like: Tidy, more or less. Very blue.

talked to: Face to face: Sparky
IMed: Beast
hugged: Sparky
kissed: Sparky
had a serious conversation with: C. at work
yelled at: ...I actually haven't yelled lately...
befriended: Juan?

What's on your bedside table? Bose radio, mattress pad temp controller, earplugs, pencil eraser, cup full of other writing utensils, Kleenex, barette, flashlight. [sounds worse than it is]
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? I don't often do this
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie? Fiddler on the Roof, or Dr. Zhivago
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done? Ain't hap'nin'....
What feature are you most insecure about? My weight
Do you ever have to beg? ...for what? I don't think I 'do' begging.
Are you a pyromaniac? No
Do you know anyone famous? Sorta
Describe your bed: Queen size, in need of replacement, comfy, warm, headboard was made by my dad
Spontaneous or plain? I tend to dislike drama, but a little spontaneity is good.
Do you know how to play poker? Yes, I do, and I do it well
What do you carry with you at all times? The only sure bet is my glasses
How do you drive? Very well, though I'm noticing a need to pay more attention, and I'm discovering that night-time driving isn't working real well for me.

at their prespective times
What do you miss most about being little? Unlimited free time
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year? More than you got, baby!
What color is your bedroom? Medium blue and sand
What was the last song you were listening to? Can't remember; it was around 4:30 before I left work.
Do you talk a lot? Sometimes
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself? IMostly
Do you think you're cute? "Cute"? Not for years!
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? Yes, when they are also drunk or drugged, which they are quite often in the library.
Do people in general annoy you? Sometimes
Pick a word that describes you best: Driven
10:16 p.m.

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