(Link at left)
1.While driving down the street, looking for an address, do you turn the radio down? Yes. And I've had people laugh at me for doing it, too.
2. If you could hug one person right now, who would it be? I'm awfully prickly; I'd probably hurt someone. Beast could hug me; I wouldn't ever complain.
3. my favorite number is ...being requested a lot lately: 16.
4. What is your favorite kind of weather? Hot. And zero humidity.
5. If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked? ...and quite possibly dead or dying.
6. If you could travel anywhere in the world, without cost being a deciding factor where would it be? Australia/New Zealand, with a stop in southern Africa.
7. Are you a home body, or a social butterfly? More of the homebody thing, preferredly.
8. Beer, wine or liquor? White wine, or a 'girlie' martini, or a vodka tonic.
9. If your partner was unable to have sex due to illness or injury, would you stay with them? Yes. Of course.
10. Do you drink milk? Not as much as I used to, or as I should.
11. Do you prefer apple or orange juice? Of those two, apple.
12. What's the most you've ever won on a scratchie? ...don't play 'em. Do I get some points for having any clue what this question means?
13. Do you own any fish? Nope. There are some shrimp in the freezer, though.
14. Who is jealous of you? I'm not convinced that I'd definitely know.
15. How many messages are in your inbox/outbox on your cell phone? Probably 3 of each, in texts only. I don't have vm on my cell.
16. When's the last time you sent a text? March. Wait, no, sometime in the early summer.
17. Do you believe there is only one "right" religion? Define your terms and get back to me.
18. What's your favorite planet, besides this one? ...if you can find one that supports human life, that's the one I like.
19. Do you vote for city-related issues? I have voted in every possible election for 25 years, with only one or two exceptions because of my absence or lack of contested candidates.
20. Have you ever been to the Vatican? Yes, as a matter of fact, I have.
23. Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? No, too close to home apparently.
24. Have you ever had to run for your life? Not really. Not since I was in school, at least.
25. Ever been to a family reunion? We had one in 1976. I think everyone was there for my parents' 50th anniversary in 1991, and that's it. We've gotten together other times, but not everyone has been there, physically at least. My sister couldn't be at my dad's funeral because she was too ill to travel, and since then there have been people missing at all the other get-togethers. Part of the issue is that the group is too big and too spread out for feasibility.
26. Can you play golf? I probably can; I've done 9 holes once. Someday. Maybe.
27. Do you prepare soup in the microwave or on the stove? Canned soup: stove. Microwave bowls: microwave. Homemade (rare, by the way): stove.
28. If your lover cheated on you and profusely apologized, would you accept them back into your life? Uh, yeah. Not so much. I know several attorneys. We're done.
29. Do you eat crab? Sure. Not that it's a common occurrence.
30. Are you the kinda person who will search the entire room for the remote? I usually don't have to: Beast keeps them all together next to his chair.
31. Is it all about YOU? "It" is...uh, what? Some stuff is, most stuff isn't.
32. Pretend you are a really good cook: what meal would you make? Eh, whatever. I've done more than enough thinking about food today. I can't answer this.
33. Are you in debt? Our only debt is the mortgage.
34. If you could have a plane ticket to anywhere right now, where would you want it to be to? Colorado. But shh...don't tell my family. I'm going to do my OWN stuff (because maybe I lied in #32).
35. How often do you do laundry? Beast does it every weekend. I've done some today, since I'm home and he's been golfing (irony, much?) or mowing the lawn most of the day.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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