Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Last Survey

The Last Survey
Last person you hugged

Sparky, when he went to bed

Last car rideTo the store this afternoon (driver). Or the trip home from dinner last night (passenger)
Last time you criedYesterday
Last movie you watchedOcean's 13
Last food you atePizza
Last item you boughtPizza
Last shirt you woreI'm wearing a tan T-shirt that says "U.S.A. All-American"
Last phone callI called the pizza place about three hours ago.
Last text message....absolutely no idea....
Last kissSparky, at bedtime.
Last thing you touchedI'm currently touching the laptop keys.
Last funeralNathanael
Last trip to the mallI was at malls a couple of times on vacation, mostly because they had restaurants in the outlots.
Last time you were excited for somethingI'm pretty excited to have a new pillow (my life = THRILLING)
Last person you sawI can see Beast right now.
Last thing you drankWater.
Last person that broke your heartSparky.
Last time you were happyNow.
Last plane rideMarch, home from Colorado.
Last dream....don't remember any recent ones....
Take This Survey at


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