Thursday, May 31, 2007


45 of the most random things you probably never needed to know about someone
whats your name spelt backwards?:.taC
What did you do last night?:Memed, took a bath, and slept
The last thing you downloaded onto your computer?:...haven't for awhile...
Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?:I let others do that, and watch.
Last time you swam in a pool?:I can't swim, but the last time I was in a pool was last summer.
What are you wearing?:Pajamas and my Wisconsin Rose Bowl T
How many cars have you owned?:We have bought six. Beast had one when we got married.
Type of music you dislike most?:Opera.
Are you registered to vote?:Yes.
Do you have cable?:No. Satellite.
What kind of computer do you use?:This is a Gateway. The one at work is a Dell.
Ever made a prank phone call?:...yeah, but not for 30 years (except in the Sims)
You like anyone right now?:Yep.
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?:Yep.
Furthest place you ever traveled?:China.
What's your favorite comic strip?:Unshelved
Do u know all the words to the national anthem?:Of course. I know part of the second verse, too.
Shower, morning or night?:Morning. Or whenever I need to. ;-)
Best movie you've seen in the past month?:er...haven't seen a movie in the past month (I'm not counting those I've seen previously)
Favorite pizza toppings?:Canadian bacon, cheese, onions...
Chips or popcorn?:Popcorn.
What cell phone provider do you have?:Cingular/AT&T or whoever they are today.
Have you ever smoked peanut shells?:WTF?!?!
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?:Nope. I ran light & sound for one, though. OMG--shoot me! Better yet: shoot them!
Orange Juice or apple?:Apple.
Who were the last people you sat at lunch with?:...well, here's the deal, I usually eat at my desk at work...
Favorite chocolate bar?:Heath Bar (which is second favorite because I don't want to hear all the comments about my first choice).
Who is your longest friend and how long?:My "longest" friend?? ROFLMAO I've known Laura for 37 years, if that's the question.
Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?:That would be NEVER, certainly not willingly.
Have you ever won a trophy?:No, I don't think I have. They didn't used to give them out at the drop of a hat like they do now.
Favorite arcade game?:Pac-Man
Ever ordered from an infomercial?:Hella no! You mean, people actually do that?!
Sprite or 7-UP?:Ginger Ale.
Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work?:Not exactly. Not to school, but I do have an assortment of Summer Reading T-shirts from years past.... This year's is the worst EVER; directly to the rag pile after SRC ends.
Last thing you bought at Walgreens?:Probably a prescription refill.
Ever thrown up in public?:Unfortunately, yes.
Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love?:Love.
Do you believe in love at first sight?:No.
SPONGEBOB OR JIMMY NEUTRON?:Why is this is all-caps? SpongeBob.
Did you have long hair as a young kid?:Usually my mom made me keep it short. Every girl around my age knows what a Pixie cut was--that's what I had for most of my single-digit years.
What message is on your voicemail machine?:"Hi, you've reached [Beast, Cat., & Sparky]. We can't pick up the phone right now. Leave a message and we'll call back as soon as we can. Thanks for calling."
Where would you like to go right now?:Back to sleep.
Whats the name of your pet?:Buddy, but he's really Sparky's pet not mine.
What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it?:I don't think I actually have a backpack of my own anymore. Sparky has two or three.
What do you think about most?:What I need to/should be doing.

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