50 random
01: Do you still talk with the first person you kissed? No. But only because we live 1000 miles apart and haven't really spoken in 25 years. ;-)
02: Have you ever seen your best friend naked? Yup.
03: Are you obsessed with someone? A bit.
04. What is the best thing about your job? Independence, the ability to decide for myself what order to do things, to a point anyway.
05. Do you like more than one person right now? I like lots of people. I'm not really crushing on anyone, though.
06. What was the last thing you ate? A butterscotch malt, with dinner. So much for that diet...
07. Did you get any compliments today? I don't think so...I can't remember any.
08. Where are you going on your next vacation? I've just discovered I still have about 10 days of vacation left for the year. Maybe I'll get to go to visit my in-laws at Christmas after all!
09. When was the last time you kissed someone? This morning, when I kissed Sparky goodbye as he left for school.
10. Are most of your friends guys or girls? Girls.
11. Do you own any furniture from Ikea? Yes. Not that much, but some small stuff.
12. Do you own any pets? We have a guinea pig.
13. If you could have one superpower what would it be? Invisibility.
14. Where have you lived most of your life? In the midwestern U.S.
15. Why is the sky blue? Because a pink sky would make me throw up.
16. When was the last time you took a long drive? Last Sunday.
17. What's your favourite smell? Soap. Cleanliness.
18. What is your least favourite sound? Nails on a chalkboard. Or crunching aluminum foil.
19. Are you moody? Yes. I'm a nightmare.
20. What is your most favourite movie of all time? "Heathers."
21. Have you ever done anything hurtful to a classmate? Uhm, yeah, and I'm not proud of that.
22. Have you ever played Spin the Bottle? Nope. Too boring.
23. Have you ever toilet papered someone's house? Nope.
24. Have you ever liked someone but never told them? Of course! Discretion, valor--all that.
25. Have you ever had a crush on your sister's friend? OK, I'm going to assume this was written for guys, so I'll say that I did have a little-girl crush on my brother's friend Skip when I was about 5. And, when my brother was a firefighter, it was pretty difficult not to have a thing for several of his coworkers!
26. Have you ever gone to a nude beach? Nope.
27. Have you ever gone streaking? Only from bathroom to closet when I forget clothes in the shower!
28. Have you ever had a stalker? Not exactly.
29. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Only in a hot tub.
30. How many hours a day do you watch TV? At most, it probably averages about an hour a day.
31. Have you ever gone to a party? No, I'm that much of a social moron. Yes. I even went to some in high school.
32. Have you ever been in love? Yes.
33. Have you ever been betrayed by your best friend? Not by my current best friend.
35. Have you ever been out of the U.S.? Yes.
36. Have you ever thrown up from working out? Not quite, but close.
37. Have you ever gotten a haircut so bad that you wore a hat? Luckily, my worst haircut was when I was too little to really keep track of how ridiculous I looked.
38. Have you ever eaten 3 meals from 3 different fast food in one day? Yep. Another thing I'm not proud of.
39. What was the last song you listened to? "I Like Your Style" from the Barnum soundtrack.
40. Have you ever slept with one of your coworkers? Gaaah....NO!
41. What one item do you never leave home without? My glasses. I'm blind without them.
42. Who was the last person who called you? Sparky called at about 4 this afternoon when he got home from school.
43. Who was the last person who texted you? I'm sure it was either my cell phone company with an ad, or Beast...3 years ago or so.
44. When was the last time you slept for 12 hours straight? Not for several years. Good heavens, I really can't think of a time recently!
45. Have you ever been cheated on? Not to my knowledge, not since I've been married. One of the guys I dated in college I suspect was seeing his ex-girlfriend on weekends.
46. Have you ever stolen anything? Yes. When I was about 10.
47. Have you ever drank eggnog? I love eggnog!
48. What did you do yesterday? Worked. Really did my job. For the first time in forever, it seems like.
49. What have you done so far today? Well, since it's 10:20 p.m. and I got up at 5:50.....I've done a LOT today. Work, shower-planning, eating, showering, dressing, blogging, Sudoku...
50. Who will repost this survey? I haven't the foggiest.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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