Friday, November 4, 2005

A to Z

From Jenica:

[A is for age of first kiss:]
Kidding kiss: 14; real kiss: uhm, 16?

[B is for booze of choice:]
Vodka, Stoli specifically

[C is for career:]
Librarian. Tech service.

[D is for your dad’s name:]
Jas. Albert T----- He was named for his grandfather.

[E is for essential items to bring to a party:]
Readiness to enjoy and mingle.

[F is for favorite song at the moment:]
"If I Were a Rich Man" (because the composer and the lyricist were on NPR today)

[G is for favorite game:]

[H is for hometown:]
Englewood, CO

[I is for instruments you play:]
flute, and (sorta) piano (and things like 'em)

[J is for jam or jelly you like:]
Not really a fan of jelly/jam. Always have to purchase some when we're having overnight guests.

[K is for kids?]
One. And that's just the perfect number for me.

[L is for last kiss?]
From abovementioned kid: this morning. From Beast...uhm, Sunday I guess. Phone kisses don't count, right?

[M is for mom’s name:]
Dorothy Josephine T----- (nee E-n-o)

[N is for name of your crush:]
Beast, I guess. I'm not doing crushes really anymore. Unless you mean cute guys on TV, etc. In which case, William Peterson.

[O is for overnight hospital stays:]
4 nights when Sparky was born. 4 nights almost exactly 4 years after that. And, I think, a couple of nights spent in waiting rooms over the years.

[P is for phobias:]
Large crowds. Like, say, Disney World in August.

[Q is for quotes you like:]
"We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true." (Robert Wilensky) Actually, that's just the easiest for me to find right now.

[R is for relationship that lasted the longest]:
Beast. We got engaged just 20 years ago last August.

[S is for sexual preference:]
Yes. Er, with adult males.

[T is for time you wake up:]
I'm now trained to wake up at 6 whether I need to get up or not. I usually snooze for another 20 minutes or so, however.

[U is for underwear:]
Yes. Cotton ones, as much as possible.

[V is for vegetable you love:]
Carrots. Which is weird since I hated raw carrots as a child.

[W is for worst habit:]
Nailbiting. Or gossiping. They are tied.

[X is for x-rays you’ve had:]
Teeth, at the dentist. Do bone density scans count? I've had a couple of them. Oh, and two mammograms. No, they didn't hurt. Go get yours done, girls.

[Y is for yummy food you make:]
Scones. Breads. Tikka. Thanksgiving dinner (let me know if you're coming--we have room).

[Z is for zodiac sign:]
Scorpio. And this week I feel I've lived up to it...down to it, rather.

0 sweet-talkers :

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