Saturday, November 29, 2014

Patrick's Place

(Link in meme-roll)
Saturday Six
....the last things ahead next week....

1. What epitaph would you like to have engraved on your tombstone?
One strong contender: "I hate publishers!" I say it an awful lot. Otherwise: "Leave me alone and let me sleep." I can be snarky about it because I really have no intention to be buried. Take the organs that are usable, and then either cremate me or send me off for medical research.
2. If you could be certain that there is an afterlife, what would you want heaven to be like?
I would hope all the people I love are there, those that have gone on before me. Otherwise, I don't much care. I'll gladly leave the details to the Big Guy.
3. If you could bring back a deceased relative you knew in your childhood back today to have a conversation with, whom would you choose and why?
I'd love to have a long conversation with either one of my grandmothers: Grandma before she went goofy at the end, and Nannie...well, anytime. I think she was pretty coherent up to the end. I wonder if they'd answer questions honestly. I have tons.
4. Do you consider death to be more of an ending or more of a beginning?
5. Do you ever feel as if you “hear” from people you know who have died, as if by hearing “their voice” or sensing an insight that you don’t think you would have gained on your own?
I heard Dad several months after he died. Just the once. That was enough. He wasn't happy with me. I'm sure several of them have surrounded me in the worst of the years since they died, keeping me safe and sane, and sending me book recommendations.
6. Aside from your epitaph, how do you hope those who have been closest to you in your life will truly remember you?
I hope they know I tried my best, did more good than evil, and worked very hard to become the person God intended me to be.

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